Don’t run after him

One day someone said that when a man wants you, he will come to get you. And this is the ultimate truth: if he wants you to be part of his life, he will find you a place in it, whatever happens.

You shouldn’t have to fight for it. You shouldn’t run after him or throw yourself at his feet just to throw him out.

Because if you do, he will think less of you. Don’t belittle yourself for someone who can’t see you.

If you need to ask him what your relationship is or if you are the only one who wants to label your relationship, then you probably don’t represent anything serious in his eyes.

If you have to ask which way your relationship is going, it means it is probably going nowhere. And do you know why ?

Men always go for what they really want. Therefore, if this is not the case with you, then you are not what he really wants.

Women are guided by their emotions, many people would say, but I would say that women are magnificent creatures who can accomplish anything they want…

They can let go of everything even when they feel this immense love, they can smile even if they are dying inside and they can leave even when their heart tells them to stay.

Become one of those strong women and never run after a man. Be the prize everyone is chasing but only one can win.

When a man doesn’t see your worth, no matter how much you want to be with him or how good you think he is, never beg him for his attention.

Do not chase him, do not try to prove anything to him, do not bend over backwards just so that he makes a place in his life for you and that he offers you his time and his love.

You will be wasting your time and putting too much effort into something that is not supposed to happen.

Instead, look at it as a prayer that has never been answered because fate has something much better for you.

That’s usually why you don’t get what you want; because something even better awaits us than what we ask.

You deserve a man in whose eyes you will be the only one. A man who will look at you with the deepest admiration, a man whose face will light up every time you enter the room.

You deserve a man who doesn’t look at other women because he already knows he hit the jackpot with you.

You deserve a man who will make a place for himself in his life.

A man who will see you as the greatest gift he can receive in his life and a man who will thank God every night for sending you on his way.

You deserve a man who will want you by his side, after whom you will not need to run, a man who will welcome you in all aspects of his life because he will want you there.

You deserve a man who will want to plan his future with you.

A man who will show you where you are with him and a man who will never make you question what your relationship is because he is the one who will ask you to put a label on it.

You deserve a man who not only plans his future with you, but who also works there.

You deserve a man who wants to spend time with you.

A man who will send you an SMS first, who will not keep you waiting for an answer for hours and who will call you just to hear the sound of your voice.

You deserve a man who schedules a date with you, a man who ensures that you know he always has time for you, no matter how busy his schedule may be.

You don’t deserve a man who will have to beg a minute of his time because the good will be more than happy to give you hours, days, months and whole years.

You deserve a man who will want you.

Who will want every part of you. You deserve a man with whom you won’t have to bend over backwards for him to notice you.

To whom you will not need to prove anything, a real man will accept you for what you are if he likes you. For a real man, you will be perfect with all your faults and imperfections.

Know that if a man loves you, you will not need to chase him. He will see you perfect as you are and he will want to be with you.

He will make a place for you in his life and he will never make you question your relationship. Never settle for less than this and never run after a man.

If you have to pursue it, it is not for you. Let him go because someone better will come to you.