He will want to get you back when he realizes what he has lost .

He will wake up one day and realize that he misses you. He will remember all of those wonderful memories that you shared.

He will miss your smile, your warmth and the smell of the coffee you made in the morning.

He will miss the woman he took for granted. The one that folded in half to make him happy. The one who put her happiness before hers.

The one whose main fault was that she cared too much for him and that she loved him selflessly.

He will realize that he had everything in you, a lover and a best friend, and he lost it during the game.

That’s when he’ll want to crawl up to you, but by then you’ll realize how badly he treated you, how much bullshit you had to accept, how much you suffered once everything it’s over, and you won’t want to go through it again.

He will want to get you back when he sees that you are unique .

He will feel your absence when he sees that this world is full of women but that none is like you.

None of them have your patience. None of them understand it like you do and none of them even try to understand it.

He will tell a joke and he will be disappointed because he did not get the reaction he would have had from you. He will have no one who notices the things he does not say.

Other women will not have the same glow in their eyes when they look at it.

They will not have your incredible personality. They won’t be able to make him as happy as you.

What he had with you – this bond – is something that is not easily built and he is just beginning to realize it.

He will want you to come back. He will do his utmost to make this happen because he will realize how much he has screwed up.

Unfortunately for him, this will no longer matter, there is nothing that can compensate for the betrayal. There is nothing that can restore the confidence you had in him.

He will want to pick you up when you finally turn the page .

You will move on, there is no doubt about it. No matter how impossible this notion now seems, there will come a day when the pain stops.

It won’t be the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up, nor the last thought before you fall asleep.

One day – maybe even today, maybe that day has already come – you will realize that you are stronger than him, and you will be on the road to recovery.

You will rebuild your life from scratch. You will find new reasons to smile. You will be proud of yourself.

That’s when he’ll reach out to you after all this time.

That’s where he’ll text you, probably something stupid like ”  Hi  ” just to start the conversation.

And you will not even want to answer because there is no text that can catch up with all these days that you spent waiting for a message from him, all those sleepless nights when you tried to give a sense of everything; all these tears, this pain, this disappointment.

He will want to collect you once you are with someone else .

For the bad man, a woman is the most beautiful and radiant when she is happy in the arms of another.

He will be jealous, he will be angry with himself because he will see everything he did not see while your heart belonged to him.

He will use all the tricks he has in his sleeves to try to recover you.

But you know his tricks too well and you are tired of them. They no longer work on you.

He will want you to come back, but he will not be able to fulfill his wish. It will be too late ; you will be happier than ever without him.

You will be with someone who sees your value, who is as invested as you and who will not take you for granted.

You will be loved by someone selflessly and wholeheartedly, and it is something he never did.

He’ll want to get you back as soon as you don’t want him anymore .

Once a woman becomes indifferent, content with herself, or happy with someone else, there is no turning back; you’re just going ahead, and that doesn’t include it.

He may want you back, but the thing is, you won’t want him.