I’d rather stay single than ruin my life with an immature moron

People often confuse being single with loneliness.

They think that if you’re in a relationship, it means you’re happy, but no one has ever said that being with someone necessarily means being happy with that person.

I learned this lesson on my own skin, so I know what I’m talking about. You know, I have always been a strong woman, the one who manages things in her own way.

Then I met the guy who made my head spin. It was my first love, my reason for living and my best friend.

But since going out with someone is not a simple thing and it takes a lot of effort for it, we collapsed.

We collapsed into so many little pieces that it looked like we had never been together.

And while I was in trouble, believing that I was alone and that I was in shit, something crossed my mind.

I understood that being single did not necessarily mean that I had to be sad. That moment was my epiphany, and I realized that breaking up with you was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I realized it was better to be alone than to endure an asshole.

It’s better to live a life where I can be myself, without having to pretend to be someone else just for my boyfriend to like me.

If he can’t accept all of my bad sides, he certainly doesn’t deserve the best too.

I refuse to be content with less than what I deserve, and I refuse to be the doll of someone with whom he plays as he wants.

I realized that I was strong enough to wait for the good to come.

I went through hell and I know that life is a real bitch. I also know that it is not by speeding things up, that I will reach my ultimate goal and that this time, I just need to go with the flow.

I have to let fate do its job and accept everything it brings me.

I spent so much time making my own love rules, but it never really worked.

So, from now on, I will remain calm and let heaven send me the voucher.

I realized that I don’t need anyone who doesn’t need me.

I’ve dated so many guys so far, and none of them have given me the love I wanted.

Each of them disappointed me at least once, and that’s why I decided to break up with them.

Because if someone shows that they don’t love me, why would I stay with him and beg him for his attention?

If I gave him my heart and opened up to him, he should have done the same for me.

But if someone refuses to do so, they simply cannot be at the top of my priority list.

I have only one life to live, and I will certainly not spoil it with a man who does not love me as much as I love him.

I will not settle for someone who lacks love, care and respect. I deserve to be loved.

I deserve to be taken care of. I deserve to be run after. And I deserve this to happen naturally.

And if a man can’t give me all of this, then I don’t need him at all.

I will be my own reason for being happy.

Throughout my life I have been looking for men to make me happy, but now I realize that I am my own reason for being happy.

I realized that I didn’t need a man to complement me. I don’t need a man to guide me or show me the right path.

I just need it for him to fully accept me and for him to love me unconditionally.

But before he comes, I will stay in love with myself first.

I will learn to be my own priority and realize my own desires without needing someone to do it for me.

I will wait for the man whose love will make me feel at home.

I know he won’t come tomorrow or in a month, but he will come eventually.

And I know I won’t be with someone just to avoid being alone. I’ll be waiting for someone worth it.

I will wait for the man who will be at the same time my best friend, my soul mate and my lover.

The one who will seduce me while I am already his, who will love me to the moon and the stars and who will never let me down.

I will wait for the man who will give me true love.