The Best Relationship In Your Life Will Be With The Man Who Does These 10 Things

1. He cherishes you

Go out with someone who loves you and knows that women like you are hard to find these days.

Someone who loves all your strengths and all your faults; all your little imperfections, because for him, they make you so perfect.

Someone who has no problem going the extra mile to make you happy.

A man who puts your happiness first because when you are happy, he is too.

2. He supports you

Go out with a man who supports all your dreams. The one who doesn’t hold you back and lets you do whatever makes you happy.

Be with the man who will help you grow and become the best version of yourself.

The one who will see all your faults and who despite this will choose you every day.

3. He is proud of you

When your man is proud of you, it means he cares about you and the things you do are important to him too.

A man like him will always give you a boost when you think you are too weak to steal.

It will be your common sense when you are not able to think properly.

He will seek your opinion before making a decision for both of you.

He will support your ideas even when they are not the best in the world. For him, what matters is that they are yours.

4. He makes efforts

It will not stop making efforts just because you are in a long term relationship.

He will always do his best for you for fear that another man will come into your life and give you everything he could not give you.

It will keep the spark in your relationship, making sure you grow as a couple.

He can’t even imagine giving up on you or making plans without you.

5. He makes you feel safe

A guy who can make you feel safe is already halfway to winning your heart.

If you feel good about yourself when you are with him and you know that he would never intentionally harm you, you will not need to look for this in another man.

You will have all the important ingredients for lasting love and you will be so thankful that God sent it into your life.

You will always know that a man like him will be on your side and that he will never let anything bad happen to you.

6. He is able to open up to you

A man who knocks down his walls in front of you is really someone you can spend the rest of your life with.

This means that he can trust you and that he considers you his best friend.

He will tell you his darkest secrets without fear that you will reveal them to someone else.

A man like him knows what kind of woman he has by his side, and he will be thankful for every day he spends with you.

7. He laughs with you

Going out with a guy who is capable of having a good time with you, no matter the circumstances, is the best thing!

It means that you are true soul mates and that you are made for each other.

It is just a sign that you are compatible on all levels and that you belong to each other.

I know laughing and having a good time together is already important to you right now, but imagine how important it will be when you get old together.

8. He accepts you as you are

If a man accepts you as you are, without any intention of changing you, it is the infallible sign that he is madly in love with you.

A man like him will be able to provide you with the best relationship in your life because he will only focus on the right things.

There will be no bad ones, there will be nothing to work on and nothing to fix. He will want you by his side until death do you part.

9. He trusts you

If the man you love trusts you, you won’t have to wonder if he will be skeptical of the other men in your life.

You can have lunch or dinner with your male colleagues and you won’t have to worry about him going crazy.

He knows what kind of person you are and that you would never do anything that would hurt him.

He knows that what you have together is precious, and that only a fool would risk losing everything for a one-night adventure.

10. He really loves you

You can have it all in a relationship, but if there is no love, there is really nothing to hold on to.

So if a man loves you for what you are and does not want to change you, then you have to keep him.

This means that he is satisfied with his choice and that he loves with you.

And all her efforts to make you happy, all her support when you feel down, and all her words of comfort when you feel like shit, are only proof that her love is authentic and forever!