Anyone can tell you that you are beautiful, but it is by the side of a real man that you will really feel like that.

Never settle for someone who only occasionally remembers that you are s**xy or beautiful.

Wait for the man who will make you his goddess.

Who will make you feel loved and incredible, with whom every kiss you share, will make you a Hollywood star.

Wait for the one who can notice the little things.

Who will see the difference when you change your hairstyle, when you buy a new dress or when you change your lipstick color.

Wait for the man who will really look at you and see you. Never settle for the one who looks at you empty-handed and only responds if you ask him questions or when you bring him food.

You deserve more than being his waitress for life.

Wait for the man who will make you feel good about yourself, even when you feel like the craziest in the world.

The man who has the power to get you out of the dark circles of disappointment and despair and to bathe you in his love.