Stay single until you meet someone who loves you the way you are.
Stay single until you meet someone who won’t want to change you.
Stay single until you meet someone you can’t wait to talk to the world about.
Stay single until you meet someone who puts butterflies in your stomach every time you think of them.
The one that will be the last thing you think of before falling asleep and the first thing you think of when you wake up.
Stay single until you meet someone who calls you just to tell you they miss you.
It will force a smile to appear on your face, even when smiling is the last thing you want.
Stay single until you meet a man who gives up his time and interests just because he will know that you need him.
He will be someone who will respect you and treat you as you deserve – as his equal.
Stay single until you meet a man who keeps his promises.
You will forget all about false promises and empty words.
Stay single until you meet a man who takes responsibility for his mistakes.
He will know when and how to say “I’m sorry”. He will have no misplaced pride and will not be limited.
Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t want to lose you.
A man who will want to fight for you.
A man who will look at you as if you are the most beautiful girl in the world.
Stay single until you meet a man who pushes you to outdo yourself.
Someone who will challenge you. Someone who will make you see all the mistakes you have made. Someone who will teach you how to learn from them.
Stay single until you meet someone who sees you as part of their future.
He knows how hard it was to conquer you, but he also knows that keeping you will be harder.
But he will make efforts. He will never stop doing it. He will love you.
Stay single until you meet a man who makes you shine, just because you stand by his side.
With him, you will feel safe and warm.
Stay single until you meet a man who makes you want him and no one else. Never.
One who will know that you will love him for the rest of your life.
Until then, wait. Stay single.