When you end a relationship, it’s hard to stop thinking about your ex overnight.
It’s even more difficult if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time and now everything reminds you of it. It is your last thought when you go to bed and the first when you wake up.
You try to understand why it went wrong and you can’t seem to be normal.
No matter how hard you try, you can’t eat and have stomach cramps that keep you from relaxing.
You are sad because you gave yourself entirely to a man who decided to end your relationship and left you as you would abandon an object.
You find yourself doubting your worth, your common sense, and all those things that you thought you did right.
You are obsessed with a man who was your whole world but has now decided to leave you and move on. A thousand and one emotions are surging in you and you don’t know what to do with them.
You struggle every day to stop thinking about it, but you just can’t do it.
Even if you argue, you still want it to be part of your life because you don’t want to give up something so important.
Knowing that you still love him, you try to find a solution so that he returns. So, you wonder if by leaving him alone, he will come back.
You think there is a chance that you will miss him once he has not heard from you or seen you for a long time.
And you know what? You are probably right. If he really loves you, he will realize what kind of woman you are and he will miss you soon.
He will understand that he cannot live without you and that your little arguments were in fact not so serious. It’s just a good way to share your problems and anxieties and move on.
So, it’s just a matter of time before he crawls back to you, begging you to forgive him, but you’ll also have to enter his game and play it smart.
To help you out here, here are some effective ways to get him to come back to you, once you’ve left him alone. So get to work!
1. The contactless period
This is one of the most important things if you want to miss your ex and have him come back to you.
Know that the zero contact rule does not concern your ex but concerns you, it is you who must stop being obsessed with him.
There are so many things you can focus on and they will allow you to stop thinking about him.
I know you will miss him and that many men will make you think of him but you are strong enough to overcome this feeling. Just know that the sacrifice you are making now serves a greater purpose.
If you are able to not contact him for 30 days, you will get there the next 30 days, believe me.
And after all this time without him, you will know that you need the air that inflates your lungs more than him. You will simply wait for him to contact you, in case he wishes you to start again.
2. You cannot be “friends”
When you end a relationship, the worst thing you can do is ask your ex to “stay friends”.
It’s like your dog dies but you still want to keep him. It must not happen.
You can’t expect to be friends after all you’ve been through. Former lovers are never good friends, due to all the feelings experienced and there are no exceptions to the rule.
The best solution is to leave him alone so that you run out of him.
If he sees that you are enjoying your life without him, he will be a little jealous and realize that after all, he still loves you.
3. Be careful with social media
I know some girls choose to ignore their ex on social media completely, but it’s not a good way to forget someone.
You can still see his publications and who he’s dating, and that can make you pretty sad. Maybe he has a girlfriend to make up for you and forget about you but you will take this seriously and it will make you cry.
So, simply forget that your ex is among your contacts on social networks and do not post anything hateful about romantic relationships because he will know that it is because of him.
4. Meet someone else
When you meet someone else, you won’t think about your ex as much. On the other hand, he will see that you are having fun without him and you will start to miss him.
So whatever happens, it’s a win-win situation. This will make your ex think about you and may even contact you to find out.
This is quite normal because no man can get past his ex having fun with someone else, just a few days after their breakup.
He will think he was not that special to you and will do his best to win you back.
5. Ignore him
The best way to get his attention is to ignore him. He will wonder if there is another man in your life and if you have already forgotten him.
Offer him your silence every time you see him, he will realize that what he says no longer interests you.
Knowing the guys, he’ll think about it constantly – he can’t help it – and you’ll start to miss him terribly.
Very quickly, he will call you to offer to meet and discuss what happened.
It’s the first and most obvious sign that he wants you to get back together.
6. Cut the bridges completely
It is one thing to ignore it, but it is another to cut ties with it, as if you had never met.
It will upset him and he will wonder why you are doing this. It will make him think about you even more and you will miss him more.
So you will give him space and he can do whatever he wants.
But you know what? He will think only of you and by leaving him alone, you will manage to make him come back to you.
He will see that you are everything he needs and will never want to leave you again.
The truth is that it will only realize your value after you have lost it.
7. Be irresistible
Do everything in your power to be at your best. Change your clothes and your mood.
Tell yourself every day that you are an exceptional woman and that he will regret having dumped you.
Let him see you on your 31 and have fun with someone else. If he still loves you, he will be jealous and he will want to get you back.
If he sees that you are doing relatively well on your own, he will do everything he can to bring you back to him.
So it’s up to you to act if you want to come back to him, according to your conditions.
8. Pretend you’ve moved on
Here you will have to play an important role – that of a woman who doesn’t care.
So you will have to pretend to be happy all the time even if you are not.
Post photos of new people you’re having fun with, show them you’re doing well on their own and that they made a mistake by letting you go.
I know it sounds a bit cruel but think you are doing this so that it comes back to you. You do it all because you really love it and care about it.
And you have to get into his game until you notice a change in him.
Only two things can happen: either he will come back to you, or he will push you back to experience his pain at having lost you.
9. Don’t beg him to come back
No matter how much you love him and how thirsty you are for him, never beg him.
Don’t fall too low for someone who doesn’t want to make an effort to win you back.
It is normal that you miss him but never beg him to get back with you. Remember that you have your pride and that you will never cross that line.
If he really loves you and misses you, he will try to contact you to chat.
But do nothing that you may regret later.
10. Don’t criticize his new life
Do not criticize her new life just because you are angry or sad. He may find a girlfriend just to compensate and make you jealous, but don’t believe everything you see.
Men use different tricks to make their ex jealous and suffer for them, but since you are aware of all this, don’t even pay attention.
Stay away from her life by giving her enough space to try new things.
In the end, he will see that you are the best and will want to get back to you.
11. Stay busy
By being busy, chances are you will think less of him.
This will give you more time to think about your relationship and, by enjoying life, you will have the feeling that you are doing something good for yourself.
I know that you will not be able to be 100% relaxed and that it will be in the corner of your head but by remaining occupied, these moments will be rarer and rarer.
To keep it out of your head, you can start by learning something new.
You can sign up for a course or find a new hobby.
Whatever it is, it will undoubtedly help you stay away from it and by doing so, it will cause it to come back to you.
12. If he contacts you, don’t answer him immediately
Let me ask you something … Did you suffer when he left you?
Did you cry before falling asleep believing he had someone else?
Did you find it hard to stop thinking about him?
If the answers to all these questions are positive, it means that he deserves that you return the favor.
You have to show him that he is not the only important person in your life and that you are doing very well on your own.
So when he calls or sends you a message, don’t answer him immediately.
Let the time pass and ask him what he wants. Be courteous but formal and don’t let him think you are in pain just because you are no longer together.
It will clearly make him come back to you, precisely because you have left him alone for a while.
13. Have fun
You know what they say: don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!
The fact that you have just ended a romantic relationship does not mean that you have to lock yourself in your room and cry about your sad destiny.
On the contrary, go out and have fun. Life is short and you should take advantage of it.
In addition, when your ex sees that you are happy, he will wonder what are the reasons for this happiness.
He may even think that you have met someone and start to realize all of your qualities.
And there will come a time when he will be lost completely because of you.
Just because you are having fun and are not making a drama of your breakup, he will want to see you come back to his life.
By showing him that you can do it alone and leaving him alone, he will come back to you.
14. Make your mutual friends your allies
If your relationship has been going on for a while, it’s normal for you and your ex to have friends in common.
And one of the things you can do to win him back is to show up in front of them with someone else, so they tell your ex.
Even if you don’t have someone special (since you still love them), make them think they are.
Enjoy a date with a man and make sure your mutual friends see you. I’m sure they will tell him what they saw and he won’t believe his ears.
He will become mad about you because he will understand that, deep down, he has not forgotten you but simply pretends. And yes, he will come back crawling to ask you to get back with him.
15. Let him go to make him come back
The best way to get a guy to come back to you is to let him go. This will give him enough time to think about you and your relationship and to assess all the pros and cons.
If he really loves you, he’ll just need a little time to figure it out and then come back to you.
In long relationships, sometimes people get stuck in a routine and they just need to get away from each other a bit to realize that they can’t live without each other.
So if you try that, I’m sure you both will feel better and after he comes back to you, your relationship will become more stable and healthy.
16. Enjoy your free time
After you break up with your man, don’t let the ship sink. On the contrary, have fun and enjoy your free time.
Now that you are alone, you should do all of the things that you always wanted to do but had no time for.
Go hiking, travel, go out with your friends, read a good book or take a bike ride.
Do anything that makes you happy and you will feel better because you will know that you are doing things that benefit you.
This will give you enough time to think about your ex, your relationship and all the things you need to work on.
And after spending so much time without you, you will start to miss him.
If his feelings are strong, he will come back to you, precisely because you left him alone.
17. Don’t get upset and let him see it
I know you are suffering because you have lost a man you loved terribly.
But I also know that you are very upset because you want him to come back. But it’s not good for him to see you so upset because it won’t keep him coming back.
You have the right to be pissed off, but only when he’s not around.
When you are alone at home, you can act as you wish, but when you are in public, try to act as normally as possible.
Even if your world is falling apart, pretend to be in the happiest time of your life.
Thus, your ex will see that you are not desperate and that you are able to manage all the consequences induced by your separation.
This will cause him to think more about you and in some cases (if he loves you enough), he will come back to you.
18. Move on
I know you don’t want to move on but at least pretend it is.
Your ex will think that you are happy in your new life with someone else and that will annoy him for a while.
Ultimately, when he can no longer bear it, he will try to contact you to get you back.
It’s always a good way to get him back because you left him alone and let him think about what he lost by letting you go.
You will both have what you want and be able to start a whole new chapter in your life.
19. Do not focus on what you have lost
Rather than focusing on your losses, think of the good things that can happen to you once you are single.
You will have enough time to think about the pros and cons of your relationship and you will be able to decide whether or not you want your ex to be part of your life again.
When two people who have been together for a long time spend time separately, it allows them to see more clearly.
So do not regret anything that happened and know that if you are still in love with your ex and want him to come back, you can still bring him back into your life.
20. Be honest about your breakup
It’s the last thing your ex expects, but you have to try because it really works.
If you wish him the best, he will wonder why you are not sad and if you have someone else in your life.
Because of this act, he will respect you more and think twice about your breakup. After doing this, follow the zero contact rule and act as if you have disappeared.
Do not contact him under any circumstances; leaving it alone, it will come back to you.
He won’t even know why he misses you so much, and he will want you more than ever.
That’s exactly what will make him work for you, so expect him to work overtime to try to win you back.
We have therefore reviewed the most common attitudes that you must adopt in order for it to come back to you, leaving it alone. The most important thing is to follow all the rules and never fail due to a temporary crisis.
If your ex still loves you and you just had a little argument, I’m sure you won’t have to put in a lot of effort to get him back.
But on the other hand, if he no longer loves you and has already moved on, it will be very difficult to get what you want.
The most important thing is to remain dignified in your attempts to recover it because if he sees your despair, he will see no point in getting back with you.
I know the last thing you want in order to get your man back is to follow rules set out on the web but these have really helped many people and these can also help you.
For example, you can’t adapt the zero contact rule the way you want – if you answer him every time he writes to you – and hope it works.
It’s impossible. You should understand that anything you do outside of these rules may not change the situation as you wish.
I hope you don’t need this advice, but since I know that at least all couples have had a big argument during their relationship, I know that many of you will try to find solutions online.
And I hope the things I wrote will help you get your ex back and think about it twice, the next time you want to break up with your loved one.