This is something that you will really need to appreciate.
It is not an easy thing for men to do, since they do not really like to reveal their vulnerable side.
But he will be so comfortable with you and he will show you at all times how much he trusts you.
You will experience a whole new level of intimacy.
Do not betray him, keep his secrets deep inside and show him that he can always trust you.
2. He will always keep his promises
It is important to him to value honesty and integrity.
He will pay close attention to each of his words and will never make promises that he cannot keep.
It will take the time it takes to get it right and it will not rush into anything to avoid doing something wrong.
However, he will always keep his promises whenever he can.
If he notices that something is bothering you or that a family member is not accepting you as he should, he will have no problem telling him.
3. He will know that actions are worth more than words
Of course, he will tell you time and again that he loves you, but he knows very well that words can never compete with deeds.
He will try to surprise you with something in the middle of the day.
He will make sure to remind you every day how much he loves you.
If he promised to take out the trash because you are too tired to do it, he will do it immediately.
If you fall ill, he will be your home doctor and will take good care of you.
If you mentioned to him only once that you wanted to read a specific book, but you couldn’t find it anywhere, he will search for it for as long as it takes and will eventually find it for you. offer and surprise you.
4. A real man will be your protector
He won’t let anyone hurt you. It will protect you emotionally and physically.
He knows very well that you are tall enough to defend yourself on your own, but he also knows that it is always good to have someone covering your back.
A real man will always protect your back in case someone tries to put a knife in your back (figuratively speaking of course).
It will always be there for you, no matter what. If it is a real man, your pain will become his.
5. He will know his priorities
Even if he has other interests such as reading, writing or football, your relationship will always be a priority for him.
When it comes to his job, he’ll never be late when he knows you’re cooking dinner for him. He will never let you wait.
His social life, although it may be great, will never be more important than you, and he will always prefer to spend a quiet evening at home with you rather than going out with his friends.
6. He will appreciate you and be able to value you
He will be grateful for all the things you do for him, whether small or large.
He will be aware of all the sacrifices you make every day for your relationship.
He won’t let a single day go by without you feeling appreciated.
A real man will appreciate your whole person and show you how much he respects you, and if he ever makes you suffer in any way, he will apologize and try to change as best he can.
7. He intends to introduce you to his family
No man will go and introduce a girl to his family if he does not have sincere intentions about her.
If he has never introduced a daughter to his parents before you, then his family will know that you have a special meaning for him and they will try to accept you as a new member of the family.
This is also how you will know for sure that he is not playing with you. He will do everything to make you feel part of the family.
He will never be ashamed of you, but on the contrary, he will be proud to present you as his girlfriend to his closest friends and family.
8. He will want to put your family at ease
By knowing how important your family is to you, they will try to get as close to them as possible.
By respecting them, he will show how much he respects you.
It is also proof that he is a family man and that the family is first on his priority list.
If you have a little brother or sister, he will always make sure to surprise them with small gifts or walks in the park, because he will above all want to win their sympathy.
9. He has a place for you in his future plans
Maybe at the start of your relationship, he would rather say “I” each time he spoke about something in the future, but soon you will see that he will start to say “we” more often.
Soon you will find yourself in all his future plans.
Every day he will want to know more about and be part of your future plans.
He will do everything so that you build a common life and you will never have to doubt his intentions.
He will ask you if you are ready to get married, where you would like your wedding to take place, how many children you would like to have…
And it won’t just be questions in the air just like that, going through his head
No, he will ask you these questions because he will need to know your point of view on these important questions and what kind of future awaits you both.