Deep down, you know he’s not the man in your life, but it doesn’t help you feel less sad.
Despite everything he has done to you, you still wish him luck.
But that doesn’t include the best thing he could have had – you.
You are done with someone who played with your feelings, neglects you and disrespects you.
You are finished with someone who does not see your value and who does not know how to make an effort to show you his love.
Love is not to apologize, but to change at best.
You are done with the phony apologies and the endless waiting for an answer. Now it is you who are silent. And that, for good.
You liked, forgiven, tried again, let go and in the end, you left. There is tremendous strength in loving and then letting go.
Unfortunately, there is also a lot of pain. Feeling pain is inevitable, but letting it destroy you is not.
This is why you have to know how to be both soft and strong, it is a rare combination that only a few can find.
Women who suffer become fierce.
Ferocious women know no obstacles; and obstacles exist only to teach them everything they can do, not to knock them down.
If a man does not treat you properly, if he mistreats you, he deserves neither your attention nor your love.
It sounds simple, but it’s difficult and it hurts a lot.
Human beings can neither turn off nor turn on their feelings as they see fit, although sometimes this would be the ideal solution.
However, falling back into the same trap will not help you in the long run either.
The longer you delay the breakup, the more you will suffer.
There is a real chaos of feelings in you, but you know very well what you have to do.
Do not be fooled by his sudden love crises, it is only a way for him to regain his power over you and continue to do the same things as before.
The things that got you there so far.
I know you often think back to all the good times you had together.
By his way of looking at you and talking to you when he was in a good mood, to all the things he had promised you, and to the life you imagined with him.
I’m sorry it didn’t go the way you wanted, but I hope you are aware that it was for the best.
Sometimes it happens that life shows us what we didn’t really need.
No matter how much we wanted something, the reality was that we didn’t really need it.
When you learn that everything you need is already in you, true love will have a chance to knock on the door.
Someone who doesn’t like you prevents you from meeting the one who likes you.
Don’t be afraid of new starts and don’t be afraid to be alone.
Put that fear aside and let love come into your life. Trust yourself and your heart.
When it comes to true love, things are never too difficult and even when they are, there is always a way to solve them.
You do not need to feel humiliated or abandoned during the process. It is not healthy to normalize emotionally abusive behavior.
It is healthy to defend yourself and say goodbye to things that jeopardize your safety and self-esteem; it is healthy and normal to ask for the love you deserve and to want to find your happiness.
By doing this, you are defending all women who have gone through or are going through the same thing.
No man should ever make you feel that you are worth less than you are.
If that happens, cutting it off from your life is the right thing to do.
So do not answer this call. And, do not reply to this message.
Ok, you can love, but love yourself even more.