Breaking up a romantic relationship is never an easy thing. And for men it is especially difficult to express themselves on this subject.
Sometimes women have trouble understanding the signs that men are sending them. Especially the signs of a breakup.
Men are more closed, they keep everything for themselves.
What, then, are the sure signs that your man wants to break up with you? How to know how to recognize them? How does a man who wants to break up behave?
The answers are found in this text that analyzes the behavior of a man who wants to end the relationship with you, but he doesn’t know how to tell you that.
And the good thing is that these signs are not so numerous and it is possible to detect them, only you have to be an attentive woman!
Couple life is something that must always be nurtured and for some men, after a while, this represents a great obligation.
On the other hand, for women, it is easier and more fun to meet all these obligations, and this is a good opportunity for misunderstanding between these two.
In this text you will first find 8 sure signs that your man wants to break up with you , but also you will find the answer to the following questions:
Why does a man behave this way and why he finds it difficult to speak about these things, to express himself? Why a man does not have the courage to break up?
Why do men behave badly and push their girlfriend to the limit, forcing her to end their relationship?
Many women wonder about all its things, hence the idea of talking about it in this text!
8 sure signs that he wants to break up
On social networks, you will surely find many texts which deal with this subject.
And in each of these texts many signs and explanations for a break.
In this chapter, we will try to name the 8 most obvious signs that your man wants to end the relationship with you.
They are almost all caused by a lack of general communication and of course a great lack of understanding in the couple.
1. Taking physical and mental distance
It is one of the first signs of his dissatisfaction with your life together, and one of the first signs that he wants to break off.
You have noticed a total distance from your partner.
You are no longer so close, he does not talk to you about important and interesting things … He is less careful and he seems completely as if he has lost interest.
He does not kiss you as before, he does not take your hand, your s**x life is not like before … and even it can happen that he avoids sitting next to you.
he is silent and you feel like you are talking to a stranger.
Indeed, nothing is as before, as at the beginning of your relationship.
And when you ask him where the problem is, he avoids the conversation, because he often has no courage to break up.
By gradually taking the distance with you, your partner sends you the message that he wants to end your relationship, but he is afraid of your reaction.
By behaving this way, he wants you to make this decision, so that he feels less guilty.
Circumstances like these can make you feel less important, less precious. They can affect your self-esteem.
But beware, the reality is completely different! It’s about recognizing that the problem is not in you and in your personality, that’s why we talk about it!
2. He is no longer interested in your daily life and your passions
It is also a good sign that your partner wants to get out of the relationship.
Normally, he had a great interest in your daily life, everything interested him, he was very curious and attentive to events in your life.
He wanted to know everything about you and he liked to give you advice. But in recent times, things have changed.
He no longer listens to you when you tell him about your day, and he gives you short comments.
Also, when you ask questions, the answers are short. The conversation with him became painful.
He is no longer interested in your plans, your future, your passions and your desires. You seem completely disinterested.
You no longer have the same plans and the same desires. These are all the warning signs – your relationship is coming to an end.
You still have to be careful, sometimes, your partner is not so interested in your stories because he is not “present”; that is, he is concerned with other more important events.
Perhaps he is going through a difficult situation and for that he has become quieter and less attentive.
But if he continues to behave this way longer, he definitely wants to break up.
3. His priorities have changed
This sign is most often caused by a lack of love on the part of your partner.
It is difficult to hear and accept this cruel truth, but if your chosen man changes his priorities, it is certain that he no longer loves you.
He had certain priorities before, and now completely the others.
Your couple and your romantic relationship are no longer so important to him.
He no longer respects the rules in your relationship, he takes everything for granted.
Everything is more important to him than, for example, an outing or a walk with you.
Of course, you don’t always have to be together and give up on friends and social life.
But if you notice that, for the most part, your partner puts you at the bottom of their priority list, know that there is a good chance that your relationship will be over soon.
4. He changed his interests
At the start of your relationship, your interests were not that different from those of your partner. Indeed, they were almost the same.
But, in recent times, you’ve noticed a big difference in the things that interest you.
For example, you want to go to one of your favorite movies, but your partner prefers another movie. But how is it possible? Before you had the same taste for films!
He invites you to go to a football game with him and his friends, and he knows you hate football.
These changes make you confused, you cannot understand his behavior.
But it is the behavior of a man who wants to break up. So he does everything to avoid you, he is ready to change some of his habits and interests, to get away from you.
This is typical behavior, so keep reading, the number 5 sign is very interesting!
5. He pushes you to the limit to force the end of your relationship
And that’s what most men do to take responsibility for themselves: they push his girlfriends to the limit and force them to take the situation in their hands.
That is to say, they want her to be responsible for the end of their relationship.
Pushing his girlfriend to the limit is something that all men use.
It is a very obvious sign and it is difficult to bear for all women. It destroys the well-being of your relationship.
Many women wonder: Why is he doing this to me? Why is he behaving like an idiot? What did I do to her?
And when they understand that this is forced, intentional behavior, they ask themselves the question: But why is it difficult for him to tell me that he wants to leave me?
The reasons why it is so difficult to pronounce I want to leave you or I want to break, you will find them in the second chapter of this text.
And if your partner becomes more violent, he is always looking for a conflict, he is irritable, it is a good sign that he wants to break up with you but he does not know how to tell you.
6. He avoids activities with you
You made a plan for an evening for two, but at the last minute, your partner cancels everything.
You have an appointment with him to go to a restaurant, but he tells you that he will not come.
He increasingly avoids contact with you, but also all activities.
He doesn’t want to do anything with you anymore, even if you insist on spending time together.
For the most part, he is with his friends, he is active, but not with you.
And every time when he cancels one of your activities, you give him the second chance, but nothing changes. He always continues to avoid you and give you excuses.
This kind of behavior is also a good sign that he wants to break up with you, that a breakup is approaching you.
The lack of joint activities is a good sign of a breakup only if it is very obvious, if your partner avoids you often. Because sometimes he just wants to spend a little more time with his friends or family. In this case, no need to worry!
7. Calls you less often and sends you fewer messages
Calls and messages represent the mandatory fields of a romantic relationship.
Receive a cute call or message, what happiness for a woman in love!
Before, he called you more often to hear your sweet voice, and now he barely calls you, or not at all.
And what really hurts you, it almost no longer answers your calls!
Also, he no longer sends you cute messages, it never starts the conversation first.
And if you send him a message, he gives you a short answer, without emotions, or he doesn’t answer you! You don’t understand anything anymore!
Even if it is a long-term relationship, women like to receive a lot of messages and calls, and the lack of this aspect is an alarm for them.
So if your partner doesn’t call and write to you like before, this may be a sign that he wants to leave you.
8. You no longer make love
S**x is an important aspect of a romantic relationship, but not the most important!
If your s**x life is not as before, it is also a good sign of the approach of a breakup.
Your partner avoids s**x with you, or it is very rare. It does not show a desire for you, it has become very cold.
Even if you see yourself often enough, your s**x life doesn’t develop anymore and he avoids talking about it.
But be careful, each person has a different vision of this aspect of the relationship. It is a sign of rupture only if he avoids it very often!
What are the reasons why a man is afraid to say it’s over ?
Women around the world are looking for the answer to this question.
They look for the reasons, they wonder why it is so difficult for men to pronounce: “It’s over! I want to end our relationship, I want to leave you ”.
In this second chapter, we will name some of the most common reasons why he does not dare to tell you that it is finished between you.
1. He is afraid to break up . It is a general feeling, present in the behavior of each man. Especially if he is aware of the love his girlfriend feels for him. He doesn’t want to hurt you. The fear of breaking up is so strong in some men that they would rather do anything than say these words – I want to break up!
2. He feels great social pressure. It is modern to be in a couple, all his friends have a girlfriend and they are in a happy relationship.
In addition, all his family and friends love you, they tell him that you are a perfect couple – they put enormous pressure on your chosen man and he is afraid of leaving you.
3. He is afraid of your reaction. Women know how to react in a very exaggerated way, they start to cry, to say bad things to him, etc. So he is afraid of an unexpected reaction.
When a woman cries, it is the worse situation for a man, he does not know what to do and how to behave. So, he avoids breaking up to avoid an unpleasant scene at the same time.
4. He is afraid of regret. He will surely regret a break, because it is natural. Even if it was a good thing for both of them, each man regrets having left his girlfriend.
The regret will come at some point, and in most cases he will not talk about it with you. As we have already said, men like to keep everything for themselves and think about it on their own.
5. He does not want to be responsible for the end of your relationship. He wants to take the responsibility off his back, or as they say, he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty. This is why he behaves strangely and you can no longer understand his behavior.
What he wants is to almost hate you and force you to leave him yourself. Like that, after the breakup, he will feel better and less responsible. He will also be able to make the victim more easily.
6. He is afraid of the post-breakup. It is also a natural fear. Everyone wonders what to do after the breakup? The questions we all have in mind after a breakup are:
Have I made a good decision? Am I going to regret it?
Am I going to find someone else? Will I end my life on my own?
These are the most common reasons why your partner does not dare to leave you and prefers to stay in the semi-ruptured state.
You have to be an attentive woman, understand common sense and be especially attentive to those warning signs.