This man will take good care of you and he won’t run away from a problem at first sight.
It won’t make you wait long before making your decision. On the contrary, such a man will know what he wants from the start.
You will not have to wait for him to put a label on your relationship.
He will not act as if he needs time to decide to give you the place you deserve in his life.
A man who wants to invest in you will start doing it right away. He will not pretend to be emotionally unavailable.
He will never make you doubt his intentions. It will not send contradictory signals to you and it will not play hot and cold games with you.
This man will chase you instead of expecting you to chase him. He will not play the hard part and he will not make you compete with all the other women around him.
It will not put you in a situation where you are going to have to think about each of its movements.
He will be consistent and never make you doubt his feelings. It will not disappear and will not reappear in your life in a loop.
With him, you will always know where you are. He will be honest about his feelings and will do nothing to manipulate you or make you believe that he is something that he is not.
Above all, this man will never waste your time. It will not waste your energy just to back off the moment you start to feel feelings.
It will see your value from day one and it will never make you settle for less than what you deserve. This man will make you feel loved, desired, respected and appreciated.
I know you probably think men like him no longer exist. That you can only dream of finding someone like him.
However, I assure you that it is somewhere. You just have to be patient enough to let it get in your way.
So please wait for it. Stop giving endless chances to these immature players who just play with your head.
You have to get rid of those who don’t deserve you.
Because, let’s face it, if you don’t, you’re never going to be able to notice the man in your life by being busy all the time with that kind of as**hole.