Don’t fall in love with the one who …

“Don’t fall in love with a woman who reads

Of a woman who feels too much

From a woman who writes …

Don’t fall in love with a cultivated, magical, delusional, mad woman.

Don’t fall in love with a woman who thinks

Who knows what she knows and who, moreover, can fly;

A woman sure of herself.

Don’t fall in love with a woman who laughs or cries while having s**x

Who knows how to convert his flesh into spirit;

And even less of one who loves poetry ( these are the most dangerous) 

Or who lingers for half an hour staring at a painting

Or who doesn’t know how to live without music.

Don’t fall in love with a woman who is interested in politics

Who is rebellious and who is dizzy in front of the immense horror of injustices.

One who likes soccer and baseball games

And who absolutely doesn’t like watching TV.

Nor of a woman who is beautiful regardless of the features of her face

Or the characteristics of his body.

Don’t fall in love with a fiery, playful woman

Lucid and irreverent.

Don’t imagine falling in love with this kind of woman. “

Because if by any chance you fall in love with such a woman

Whether or not she stays with you

Whether she loves you or not

From her, from such a woman, we NEVER come back.

Text by Martha Rivera-Garrido

On the other hand, if you want to fall in love….