Thank you for leaving me, it’s a chance!

Thank you for leaving, thank you for giving me this new chance …

Despite appearances, sometimes a breakup is the best thing that can happen to us.

After the mourning phase, separation is often an opportunity for us:

  • To review our engines, what is important for us in life, our values
  • To rethink the dreams that we have sometimes left asleep deep inside us,
  • To resume aborted projects because the other was not ready or did not want to follow us in this adventure or quite simply because we did not dare …

We often realize that our life no longer revolves around our work, our man, children …

What about us in history? What was our personal development, based on what?

I hear a lot of people around me saying to me when I leave the relationship:

  • That they feel like they are extinct
  • That they no longer recognize each other
  • That the sparkling and full of life woman seems so far away

So STOP IT !!!!   Hard and bitter observation, I agree.

But I see it as an opportunity for renewal, a door that opens to a more colorful world, filled with new happiness.

The most important step through which to go to be ready to rediscover this joy of living, this enthusiasm, this love of oneself …

And to allow a new relationship to come knocking on your door is to take stock of the past relationship.

No new healthy relationship can begin if you don’t take the time to refocus and take stock and set new goals for the future …

“Each meeting is: either a lesson or a blessing …”

It is essential to go through this phase of looking back on yourself, on the relationship with the greatest honesty. It is not the simplest but the most beneficial.

This questioning often brings relief since it allows us to leave behind resentment and anger and thus bring out the positive things that we keep. To identify our main objectives for the future, to determine what we no longer want to relive or the situations of vigilance.

Each meeting, no matter how long, is there to teach us, to help us grow.

If you find yourself in the same pattern over and over again, maybe you haven’t seen the lesson to be learned and how to grow out of it.

Warning: This report is not the trial of anyone, neither yours nor that of the ex !! You need to be in a positive light, in a bubble of caring and love for yourself.

Make yourself comfortable and cozy, with soft music in the background, candles, a good cup of tea or coffee, and let’s go !!
With your pens, we take his courage and his love with both hands and on the way !!!

Here are a few questions to help you draw up that balance:

  • What are the moments together in which I felt happy and fulfilled?
  • What are the times when I feel alive alone or with friends? (activities? sport? cooking? outings?)
  • 5 things I can say THANK YOU for.
  • 5 things I can say THANKS to myself.
  • What do i need to feel safe?
  • What are the situations where I would have liked to be elsewhere?
  • If I wasn’t afraid, what would I dare to do?

Your answers can concern your love life but also all areas of your life.

NB: Do not hesitate to use these questions as objects of meditation to let more anchored answers come to you.

Happiness is at the end of the road …