Even with small steps, let’s move forward!

“The step is a metaphor for life.

After all, we all have to put one foot in front of the other very often.

And if it becomes mechanical, we forget that it is a voluntary act that we can approve, regret, comment on, celebrate, or redo differently.

But which remains a deliberate act and on which it is good to wear a lenient look.

The small step, it does not seem like anything but this small step, if it is a first step, becomes a significant event.

The small step, it can be both anecdotal and structuring.
But above all, it symbolizes progression!

The small step is that of the athlete, the dancer, the baby, the old man, the depressed, the shy, or the determined.

Every little step should be looked at for what it is: a breakthrough.

Taking a small step is the opposite of trampling.

Together, let’s celebrate what keeps us going.
Together, let’s take a look of kindness on our little daily progress.
Together, let’s avoid the wrong step, the wrong step, or the wrong step. “

And you, my dear Celibattants, what are your steps (big, small or even tiny…) that have made you move forward in life?