Communication: The most important is not what we say, but how we say it

Communication: The most important is not what we say, but how we say it

Sometimes communicating with others can be complex, as we may have trouble translating our thoughts exactly into words. We may have difficulty making ourselves fully understood by our interlocutor, because it is not always easy to find the exact terms.

Thus, the words we use to express ourselves do not always accurately reflect our thoughts.

However, there are other sources of communication besides words. In communication, we also find gestures, postures, and attitudes.

For example, our mouth can say something, and our intonation or our gaze can say the opposite.

The most complex thing in communication is to succeed in accurately transcribing our thoughts, feelings, and the way we see the world.

It is sometimes difficult to put into words what we really feel.

And we cannot control what this will generate in our interlocutors.

When we want to express something, it is important to take into account the emotions that this will arouse in the person in front of us.

When we communicate, we don’t just convey information, often we want our words to have an impact on the people we interact with. Above all, we want them to understand us.

Sometimes we want to elicit admiration and approval, but other times we seek to impose ourselves and gain respect.

In reality, it is the intention that defines the essence of what we want to convey. However, we are not always aware of it internally.

On the other hand, sometimes we try to prove to others that they are wrong with our words, without realizing that we may be wrong. We think our words are meant to expose our feelings, however, we don’t realize that in reality, we want to instill empathy in our interlocutor.

When we don’t get what we’re looking for, we may think that the person listening to us hasn’t understood what we just said.

Communication extends beyond words

When we communicate, it can cause some confusion, due to different factors.

When we speak, we need to consider when, where, and with whom we are speaking. And most importantly, we should make the effort to try to put into words what we really want to express.

Without knowing it, we are constantly communicating with others. Our thoughts can be betrayed by our facial expression, the way we dress and position ourselves, and our attitudes.

So, we often send messages unconsciously. For example, when we don’t “feel” a person the first time we meet, it may be because of their actions and attitudes which reflect a personality that is unreliable.

To communicate well, serenity and relevance are important. Finding the right time, the right place, and having the right frame of mind is essential in communication. In reality, the most complicated part of communication is not what we say, but how we say it.