Some people are not ready for commitment.
Each person is an irreplaceable, rare and complex creature with different thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, needs, wants, and motivations.
When we meet someone we are attracted to, many times we hope that they want the same kind of relationship as we do, but usually the opposite is true.
There can also be this same disconnect in a long-term relationship.
Everyone evolves and experiences a lot of changes, but sometimes we just can’t seem to adapt after one partner has changed.
In fact, we may not be compatible at this time. Usually, it’s nobody’s fault, but for often hidden reasons something is causing relationship dysfunction and disarray, and connection is not made.
Unless you want to experience constant pain and suffering while wanting to force a relationship, the only option available to us is to have confidence and let go quietly.
To find inner peace and harmony.
It is essential to find a way to free ourselves from our grip, so that everything that is meant to be can take place, without our pressuring it to make things happen differently, based only on our own individual needs and desires.
We often believe that we are stronger holding onto fragments of the relationship and that if we put enough time, attention, and effort into it, the other person will see the light and have the same way of thinking and feeling. But this flow of emotional energy often has the opposite effect and instead of fueling the relationship, it stifles and drowns out residual positive emotions.
Sometimes the bravest thing to do is resist the temptation to hang on.
And gently and gracefully let go of all our attachments to that person.
When we hear the term “let go” it can be confusing to believe that it means we need to get someone out of our life or turn our back on them. But it is quite the opposite. Letting someone go can be the most loving and compassionate thing to do for yourself, as well as the other person.
Something powerful happens when we consciously release our grip and let go of the need to control or force the relationship to go where it isn’t ready to go.
Our fear of loss is replaced by a tremendous conviction and faith in ourselves and the person we choose to let go. We send a powerful spiritual signal to the universe: we are convinced that we can handle what is or is not intended for us, and we trust the other person to make choices that perfectly match what they want.
New energies are flowing in, and with them new opportunities and possibilities arise.
All our energy was so absorbed in the past that it deprived us of any new start in the future.
In a way, we are sweeping away negative energy so that positive energy can enter it.
When we let go, we also let go of all the frustration, pain, anger, and irritation that we held when we didn’t let things go naturally.
Letting go can be frightening, as there is always the risk that something as good or intense will not return. But holding on to someone who doesn’t want to be held back only prolongs our suffering.
Letting go brings new energy and revitalizes stagnant relationships, giving others the flexibility to expand and develop.