The Wonderful Truth About Letting Go With Someone We Love

We are all irreplaceable, rare and complex creatures on a unique soul journey, with different thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, needs, wants, and motivations.

When we meet a new person, especially one who is romantically attracted to us, we often hope and pray that they will be able to meet us at the exact point where we are in our lives. But unfortunately, the opposite often occurs.

This same disconnection can also occur with people with whom we have a long-term relationship. We evolve and experience a lot of changes, but sometimes we don’t adapt well to our partner once we have changed.

We can place unrealistic conditions and expectations on that person and if they cannot meet them, we take it personally and feel unwanted.

But in reality, we may just not be compatible anymore.

It is no one’s fault, but for reasons that are often hidden, something causes relationship dysfunction and disarray and connection does not create.

Unless we want to feel constant pain and suffering in wanting to force a relationship. The only option left is to take a deep breath and believe it, and then leave it alone.

Let go with a person. To achieve inner peace and harmony.

It is important to find a way to release our grip and surrender, so that whatever is meant to be can really be, without us pressuring it to change it.

We often think that if we devote enough time, attention, and effort to our relationship. The other person will see the light and adopt our way of thinking and feeling. But this flow of emotional energy quite often has the opposite effect. And instead of fueling the relationship, it stifles and drowns the lingering residual positive emotions.

Sometimes the bravest thing to do is to resist the temptation to hang on and gently and gracefully let go of all our attachments to that person.

When we hear the term “letting go” we can easily get confused.

Thinking that it means we have to eliminate someone from our life or turn our back on them. But it is quite the opposite. Letting someone go can be the most loving, compassionate, and considerate thing we can do for ourselves and the other person.

When we consciously release our grip and let go of the need to control or force the relationship to go where it isn’t ready, something powerful happens.

Our fear of loss is replaced by great conviction.

And great confidence in ourselves and in the person we choose to leave. We are sending a powerful spiritual signal to the world. We are convinced that we are able to manage what is or is not intended for us. And we trust the other person to make choices that are exactly what they want.

By opening this channel, fresh new energies flow in, generating opportunities and possibilities that we never noticed before. All of our energy was so absorbed in the past that it prevented us from making a fresh start in the future.

In a way, letting go is like using the ancient art of Feng Shui to remove negative energy so that positive energy can enter it.

When we let go, we also let go of the frustration, pain, anger, and irritation that we felt.

We can often get attached to emotions that cause low vibrations because they can feel familiar. Especially if we have been feeling them for a long time. This allows our emotions to stabilize and get used to flowing freely once more.

Letting go can be scary because there is always the risk that something as good or intense will never come back. But holding on to someone who doesn’t want to be held back only prolongs our suffering.

Obviously, it’s not always as easy as taking a deep breath. But go to the present moment and let go of everything that happened in the past. And the frantic urge to know what the future holds is something liberating and stimulating.

Letting go with a person brings new energy and revitalizes stagnant relationships while giving others the opportunity to evolve and grow. It shows us the exquisite beauty and preciousness that can be found in the present moment.

Where it is neither pushed, nor pulled, nor twisted for fear of our future, nor oppressed or tied by our regrets for the past.