There is no bad timing in relationships, there are only bad people

When we’re in a relationship, we often feel like the timing is wrong. We meet the person of our dreams just before they move to another region.

We create very strong bonds with someone who we like but who already has someone in their life. We end a relationship because our partner is not ready to make a serious commitment and another ends because the relationship gets serious too quickly.

“It would have been perfect if it had been five / eight years earlier,” we moan to our loved ones. And yet, we constantly wonder why we let timing have such an important role in our lives.

There is a very simple truth that we all have to face: the people we meet at the wrong time are not the right people.

You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless. The right people make you want to change your plans and step into the unknown without looking back. When you meet the right people, you know that the adventures that were planned for your future won’t be as unforgettable as the ones you might have alongside them. Everything has been better since their arrival.

When you’re with the right person, you forget that time flies. You don’t worry about fitting it into your hectic schedule, because it is part of it and even becomes the backbone of it. Your happiness becomes your priority and as long as that person contributes to it, you know you can overcome anything.

Good people don’t object to what you wanted before and don’t give you ultimatums. On the contrary, they encourage you to follow your dreams to the end: to try harder, to dream bigger, and to always do better.

They bring out the best in you and make you want to challenge yourself like never before. They place no limits on your time, dreams, or abilities.

In truth, when we leave a person because the timing is wrong, it means that we do not want to devote our time to that person. There will never be a magical moment when everything falls into place and mends all of our broken relationships. But one day someone may make the timing issue irrelevant.

When we find the right person, we take the time to make a place for them in our lives and when that happens, there is never any bad timing.