The secret of happiness for two

Man and woman are made to get along. But everyday life brings its share of worries, discord, misunderstandings and fatigue, which darken the life of a couple … Small shouts at slamming doors, there are sometimes difficult crises to overcome. There are certainly no miracle recipes, but a few basic principles can help make your relationship last:

Man and woman are made to get along. But everyday life brings its share of worries, discord, misunderstandings and fatigue, which darken the life of a couple … Small shouts at slamming doors, there are sometimes difficult crises to overcome. There are certainly no miracle recipes, but a few basic principles can help make your relationship last:

– Knowing how to listen to others, accept them as they are …

In love, you must not spare your efforts, and know how to give a lot, without “calculating profitability”. Preparing their favorite dish or massaging their back are just some of the little things that every normal person loves! The important thing is that he or she realizes his luck!

-Express your desires loud and clear

Do you dream of a romantic weekend for your wedding anniversary or lingerie for Valentine’s Day? Do not wait for your companion to guess your desires: express them! This will save you from resentment. And most spouses like to please, but never have ideas. When it comes to s**x, it’s the same: if you don’t make it clear to your partner what you like, they won’t figure it out on their own.

-Work, children, TV, bills… And the couple, in all that?

Every day, you have to manage to spare yourself a listening time, a real moment of intimacy during which we do not talk to each other about work, money or children’s education. Everyone only cares about the other, their state of mind or what they want to say. This mutual concern is rewarding because it gives the impression of really existing in the eyes of his companion. Set up the “quarter of an hour” for yourself, during dinner (for two) or once in bed …

-Do not decide for yourself alone

For all important matters, the final decision cannot belong to a single member of the couple, but must have been taken together, after consultation and acceptance by both parties of a satisfactory compromise. The members of the couple are thus on an equal footing, synonymous with dialogue, listening, in a word of mutual respect.