20+ Activities for Bored Couples



Put on your ice skates, dress warmly, and head to your local ice rink or better yet, a frozen lake in winter. Skating hand in hand is a magical feeling for a couple.
This activity works just as well for a first date as it does for an older couple.


A short bike ride is an easy activity for sports and nature lovers. Get out of the city center and take a walk on country roads or a forest near you.
Choose a difficulty that is suitable for both of you.

Swimming pool

In summer outdoors and in winter indoors, go to the pool works for all couples and for all ages. Splash, race, hug, do pirouettes, etc… There is so much for two to do in a pool.

Dance classes

It’s not just women who love to dance. And then it’s not just the waltz. Depending on your tastes, choose one that suits you, the choice is great! Waltz, rock, hip-hop, salsa you will find a style to suit. It’s a fun time to share as a couple, at any age!

Motorcycle ride

If you have a motorcycle, go for it! Take a day trip or even over several days with an overnight stay in a tent or hotel and explore the countryside in your region. Very romantic and it allows the woman to hug her man tightly.

Ski weekend

If you live near the mountains, go out skiing as a couple this winter. A perfect activity for lovers, with possibilities for cuddling moments in the chairlift, romantic moments with the magnificent views and fun with the descent!
If you don’t know how to ski, learn together!

Scuba diving

You don’t have to live in the tropics to scuba dive (but it helps). You can find nice reefs on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. As a couple, this allows you to admire the beauty of the oceans while having an impression of isolation and that you are alone in the world. Also lets have a pretext to show off your body in a swimsuit!



Sun, sea, bikini and abs galore! Why not love the beach! As soon as the sun is warm enough, go for it and relax as a couple. Pick up a book, balloon, or card game. But it is also a very romantic activity if you go there in winter or spring and you are the only one. Add a sunset, the cry of the seagulls and it’s already almost a dream.


This is the classic option for an activity to do as a couple on the first date. This is perfect since it avoids awkward moments if the current does not flow. You can still enjoy the movie and shut up. If on the contrary the current goes well, nothing prevents you from kissing for a long time during the pubs and the moments a little long.

Night at the hotel

Perfect to relax and forget about your daily routines. This getaway is perfect for couples with kids looking to have some intimate time without having to worry about their kids. You can easily pair the hotel with any of the other couple activities described here.


I put shopping in the leisure category but I can understand that some have doubts. And yet shopping can really be a fun activity to do as a couple. You can have fun trying on original, funny, expensive clothes that you don’t necessarily want to buy but just play dress up. Good laughs can be born when you see your man or your girlfriend with an outfit from the 70s or a full costume!

Spa / Sauna

An equivalent of massages but in a beauty salon or spa. It is very relaxing to have someone take care of your skin and your body. The majority of spas and saunas offer packages for couples and you can therefore enjoy this moment of relaxation for two. If you don’t want to pay, you can always try to replicate the spa or sauna at home in your tub with a bubble bath.

Evening with friends

After all, you don’t have to do everything together. You can spend an evening with friends or another couple. It’s perfect to get together around a good dinner, a glass of wine, a cheese board, and discuss the future, children, etc … For younger couples you can go out to a nightclub or go to an amusement park with those friends too!


Why are there so many café terraces in Paris and everywhere in France? Because everyone, especially couples, enjoy telling each other the latest news, sharing their feelings over a coffee and a croissant.
You can also choose to have your Sunday morning breakfast in one of the cafes on a beautiful sunny square.


Park walk

Whatever the season, but especially during spring and summer, it is always pleasant to take a romantic stroll in a park . Admire the flowers and tree, stroll along the alleys and finally sit on a bench and kiss yourself! It’s cliché but it still works.


Nothing could be more relaxing than being together in the middle of nature. Everything is calm and relaxing when you hike as a couple. Plan a not too long hike. The goal is not to get tired but to appreciate being alone in nature. Since you are alone, nothing prevents you from being natural and from kissing each other every ten meters.

Hunting and fishing

Hunting or fishing is not for all couples. Some will absolutely not like it. It is therefore important that you know whether your boyfriend or girlfriend will be up for it or not.
For those who like, it is very relaxing to find yourself for example lying along a small river and kissing while waiting for a touch of fish!


Too cliche a romantic sunset? Maybe, but in the meantime it works. It is one of the most romantic outings and activities you can find. Perfect for concluding a first date. No one can resist a kiss under a setting sun.


Music / instrument

If you are a musician and / or singer, why not have a little fun together and write a song and then play it right between yourselves? If you’re not a musician, why not teach two people to play the guitar?
Playing the guitar is still something everyone associates with romanticism. Everyone sees a man declaring his love for the woman of his dreams perched on his balcony. If it works in the movies, it must also work well in real life.

Video games

The games often have a bad reputation in couples . All because some guys spend their life in front of them and forget that they have a girlfriend. But you’re not going to be a geek just because you play with your girlfriend or boyfriend every now and then. There are video games that are great for couples. For example all the dance games, karaoke or the Mario series. Playing the Wii as a couple is also a great activity, some giggles can be the key, and then it allows to have fun, even if the guy is a little shy.

To cook

Candlelight dinners are definitely romantic, but remember that cooking together can be a great time for a couple too. Depending on your cooking experience, you may decide to do a lot of different things. Here are some examples: Make pancakes, a cake, tacos, a pizza, a luxurious meal,…

Reading for each other

If it starts to get late at night and you don’t know what to do, you can lay down in your bed, snuggled up comfortably against your boyfriend or girlfriend and read them a book. You can choose any book, but this type of reading is much more romantic if you read poetry, a romance novel, …

Watch photo / video album

Want to remember the good memories of your last vacation or your childhood. Sit comfortably on the sofa and look at your photo albums together. There are bound to be photos that you forgot and that will make you happy to review them together. It is a very good activity to do also as a family when you are a couple with children. These little bits grow so fast that it’s always a lot of fun to watch the old photos again.

Restore an old piece of furniture

Your grandmother doesn’t want her old dresser anymore? Why not get it back and restore it as a couple. Start by looking on the internet or in magazines for decorations that you like, buy some paint and get started? Why not paint it pink and gray and add some pretty handles to it?

Board games

We don’t necessarily mean a game of Monopoly, but there are some good board games for couples. Easy games where you can play two. You can also try board games where you can find out a little more about your partner through questions.

Take photos

Whatever the season, we can take very nice couple photos. It is a very good activity since you must first look for a pretty place or one that makes sense for your couple as a place for your photo. You can then choose different poses.
Have some of the photos developed on large paper and put them in a frame to display in your home.