Falling in love is one of the most amazing experiences, and it often takes us by surprise.
It is unlike anything we have known. However, the magic can wear off after a few years or even a few months in the relationship.
And this is where the joy and laughter seem to be foreign to the couple. The problem? You lose track of how you feel.
Love is a feeling that can creep in as quietly and stealthily as love at first sight. How do we know if our romantic relationship is coming to an end?
If you notice any of the following signs, love is probably no longer part of your life as a couple and it is time for you to move on.
If you are wondering, “How do you know if you’re still in love?”, Keep reading the article.
You think about him a lot
Everything makes you think of him, so he is always present in your mind.
You have to constantly fight the urge to act on those romantic feelings by calling or texting her.
There’s always something you’ll want to talk to her about, especially if you’ve had a long-term relationship.
Most of the time, you’ll want to share your day with him, tell him a story you heard, send him a video he would find interesting, or ask his opinion on your new project.
You wonder what is becoming of him and you can’t help but think that he might be on dates with other people.
It’s difficult because you have 10 years of relationship with him and you have always had the same interests.
If you haven’t recovered from your relationship with him, you’ll be thinking about him subconsciously all the time.
If talk of the future fades, it’s not a sign of love
At first, you can only talk about your future together.
You talk about your marriage, where you are going to live, what name you will give your children and how you will spend your retirement together.
How many times has the future been mentioned lately?
Do you find yourself avoiding the topic? It’s a clear sign that you don’t have the heart for it anymore.
1. Kisses say a lot
The way a person kisses you says a lot about feeling in love.
You must have heard about the meaning of different kisses on different parts of the body.
But, if you dwell a bit more on the subject, you can easily determine if you are right for each other.
A slow, prolonged kiss with your eyes closed is a clear sign that your partner is deeply in love with you, even if it is not a perfect kiss.
A scientific study has proven that the saliva secreted during a kiss contains hormones that can denote various romantic things. So how do you know if you’re still in love?
It is very simple. Analyze your kisses!
2. He supports you
No matter how crazy your dreams are and your weird eating habits, the guy who is right for you is going to accept them even if he doesn’t understand them.
When a man supports your hopes and dreams, when he’s on the same page as you, it’s magic.
A man who believes in you and pushes you to pursue what you want is golden. Many men are insecure and disappointed with the life they lead.
These same people cannot look for the best in someone else.
So, not recommended to feed the well-being at home.
A man who supports you in everything you do is clearly the perfect guy for you. It might be your soul mate!
3. You send fewer texts, but they are symbolic
Sometimes you have to send countless texts to get some people to understand what you want to say.
And then there are those to whom you don’t have to say much to and with whom the good time to say something is every day.
While men think it’s best to send more messages only when you don’t want to have a one-on-one conversation, women prefer to send messages when they’re upset.
In short, a loving couple will rather talk rather than text. They strictly follow the minimalist approach when it comes to sending messages because it’s more symbolic.
When you find that your spouse isn’t texting you a lot, that doesn’t mean you ran into the wrong person. On the contrary, he is still in love!
4. How to know if you are in love: listening
Women need a man who can listen to them. When you want to verbally let off steam, you don’t need a spouse who judges you or gets tired of your voice.
You need to be loved and appreciated for who you are. Listening is an important element in a romantic life.
If your man knows how to listen to you, that means you have everything you need. So being with him is probably a good decision.
5. You want to share good and bad news with your partner
Is your partner the first person that comes to mind when you suddenly have good news?
Is he also the one you remember when you are feeling down? If so, you can be sure that your partner is the one for you because they are your best friend.
This person is both the one supporting you and the one who can be your shoulder to cry on.
It can cheer you up when you feel badly about it.
When you are compatible enough, you will find comfort in talking to him, whether in happy times or sad.
It is this sense of comfort that allows you to discuss and share everything with your partner. Plus, you know he’ll always be all ears!
6. It happens that you argue
Is arguing with your partner really bad? In fact, couples who have arguments tend to be the ones who love each other the most.
Arguments indicate that you have no hard feelings and that you are not hiding your dissatisfaction.
If you’re in the romantic bubble and haven’t had an argument or disagreement yet, you’re probably still on the fence.
This is not bad. In fact, it’s supposed to be that way.
But the truth is, you haven’t really had your relationship tested and you might still be in a relationship on a superficial level.
By argument, we don’t mean physically, of course. Over time, some disagreements are always present in a relationship.
If you speak up about your relationship issues and concerns, it means that you trust your partner.
You think he can listen to you and understand you. Analyze the next time you and your partner have an argument about joint projects.
Do you solve the problem by feeling more relaxed, happier, and more satisfied?
7. He is excited to build a future with you
It is difficult to create and maintain strong, healthy relationships.
But when you’ve found a man who is wildly excited to plan and build dreams together, it’s a good sign that he’s the perfect man.
This means he puts you first and lets you know he’s ready to help you make great things happen with you.
You don’t have to always do social media love tests to conclude that it’s the right one.
On the other hand, if your boyfriend is a big selfish person, you will never have a long-term future together.
It’s all a question of whether your sweetheart is someone who is enthusiastic about building a future with you.
8. You look each other in the eyes
If you think you can look your partner in the eye for hours on end, know that you love them deeply.
The phenomenon was proven as early as 1970 by popular social psychologist Zick Rubin, who conducted a study of couples in a closed room.
According to the results, couples who were more in love looked each other in the eye for longer than those who were not so much.
Compared to normal couples who don’t look each other in the eye much, more in love couples look each other in the eye for longer.
It indicates confidence, the way you give attention and your comfort level with your partner.
9. He doesn’t put you down and he isn’t comfortable doing nothing.
The worst thing a man can do is put a woman down. It’s just showing that he’s an insecure tyrant who has nothing better to do than hurt someone.
If you’ve found a man who is always looking out for your best interests and doesn’t try to bump into you, then you’ve found a man you might never want to be without.
It’s magic in my world.
You come to a point in a relationship where there is nothing more you can do and still feel a satisfying comfort.
It’s a super simple sign that you are meant to be together until death do your part. Think about this in a positive light, please.
Finally, how do you know if you are still in love in a couple?
When considering whether you’re meant to be with someone, there are a host of factors to consider.
Consider these danger signs and signals to determine if you’ve found the man you’re meant to be with.
Follow your heart and guts, but also take into consideration the facts that you cannot dispute.
Use your new knowledge to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
This will let you know if you’ve finally found your special man, the one you don’t want to be part of.