3 Tricks to Make a Man Fall in Love with YOU

Do not be frustrated, this has happened to many women since ancient times, luckily, although the man’s mind is a mystery, and each man is a different world, there are some tricks that can help any woman to get closer to the man of her dreams and hold him firmly in the clutches of love.

I have taken the time to analyze the best tricks that can help you discover how to make a man fall in love with you I have made a list of 3 very useful secrets for you to achieve it.

3 Tricks to make a man fall in love with you

1- Take care of your appearance

The way men see us is very important, that is why it is necessary to always have a more than presentable appearance. You have to polish your image to the maximum, and take into account absolutely all the factors, such as the clothes you wear depending on the situation as well as smell good with a good perfume that seduces men and pay attention to always have good breath.

You must also take care of your appearance in the way you act, you must behave in the most polite way possible without ceasing to be yourself.

2- Smile it’s free

The smile is essential , it must be one of the most important points that I will detail in this article. The smile is a clear body message, a verbal message that expresses feelings of joy, grace and happiness .

Sending these messages to a man tells them that you feel comfortable being with them, in addition, laughing at a joke that your boy has told you, will make him feel that he is entertaining you and he will really enjoy the moments he spends with you.

Remember, if you want to know how to make a man fall in love with you, it is very important that you do not reserve your smile, if something has really caused you amusement, laugh, it is not necessary to exaggerate the laugh, since the other person will notice it and he will not like it or you will seem strange to him.

You can also use the smile as a seductive weapon, a fixed and seductive gaze towards the other person catches a lot. If you use the smile well, you will let your partner know that at that moment you are happy.

3- Listen carefully

Who has not ever seen a group of people meeting, but instead of interacting with each other, you can see them checking your cell phones absolutely all the time, like a mania, like an addiction to social networks.

It is very important that if you manage to have a conversation with the man you like that you pay attention to him. Since you have it in front of you, take advantage of its presence. You can talk with him about life, anecdotes from our past, or talk about what they would like to do or what plans they have for their future.

You have to be paying attention, and try to avoid being distracted by the cell phone or something else. You should ask him about things he tells you or about common interests.

And this is also a very important point, if you can’t pay attention to the conversations, it can be an alarm, a warning, they probably don’t have many interests in common.

When we manage to converse we can learn a lot about a person and get to know them, if you notice that they have many things in common, you have probably found your other half, but if you realized that you do not like to converse with him, perhaps you only feel physical attraction I’m not the right man for you.