9 feelings you can mistake for love and can hurt you

There are people who have a great need to have someone in their life who cannot imagine living without a partner. However, there are feelings that you can mistake for love. Sometimes you run into someone and interpret their gestures or actions as a sign of love, but it is only your interpretation.

In love, as in other feelings, there are many ambiguities, inaccuracies and contradictions. Therefore, there are feelings that are not love but you can believe that they are. In any love relationship, from the beginning, you have to be careful to feel what things really are.

Let’s see what are the feelings of that person that you like that you may be mistaking for love.

1.- A shocking first impression does not mean that love begins

You can be somewhere in the public or in a meeting with friends and suddenly you meet someone’s gaze and you can’t stop looking. Suddenly you find yourself with a smile and a gesture that fascinates you, they look so authentic and it causes you to return the gesture.

A beautiful moment with someone can be one of those feelings that you can mistake for love. It has impacted you and you can’t stop thinking about it, you idealize it and turn it into a goal that you would like to achieve. But just because something dazzles you doesn’t mean it’s love.

2.- Being friends with rights are another of those things that are confused with love

Having a love game with a friend is not exactly love, it is just a game. It can turn into love, but it can also be extinguished if you just use it to pass the time. What predominates is the trust of friendship, but what happens if one truly falls in love.

The feelings you share with a friend with rights can be mistaken for love. Or maybe he will confuse you, then someone can get very hurt. Well, if they only committed superficially, it is because they were clear that there was no love, only the desire to have fun.

3.- Nostalgia for what was are other of those feelings that seem like love and are not

Most couples get off to a very romantic start. But the memory of that wonderful moment is no longer love if everything is over. You are no longer with him or it is no longer the same with your current partner. You are bored with complaints, fights and criticisms and you think about the past.

Many couples who did not take care of their self-esteem deteriorate their relationship and wonder, how did we get to this point? Then they feel nostalgic. It is a feeling that seems like love, but not anymore. That love is in the past. You need to learn the lesson and love yourself more.

4.- Obsessing over someone is another of the sensations that you could confuse with love


Getting excited or believing you know what a person is like and loving what you imagine is not love. It is not love for that person, it is emotional dependence for something that you think meets your expectations. You are looking for him because you think he is the love of your life, but it is only your imagination.

Obsessing over someone is one of those feelings that is easy to mistake for love when your self-esteem is low. No one is anyone’s perfect love. There is no perfect love, but you have such a need for that love that you make it up, you get obsessed.

5.- Feeling sorry just because you feel sorry for his reaction if you tell him the truth is not love


It may be your partner or your friend and there may be some feelings that seem like love and are not. For example, feeling sorry is a feeling that can make you feel attached to a person. You think you shouldn’t hurt him, you think it’s not fair and you don’t express what you really feel.

The hurt you feel may be so authentic, but it’s just one of those feelings that you can easily mistake for love. You think it’s your work of charity, but what about your self-love? What about the kind of life you want to live?

6.- Other things that are not love but are often confused is flirting


A person can tell you things that you like, can make you feel good, fall in love with details, but it is not necessarily love. Just watch where those behaviors take you, what they want in return.

Not everyone wants a long-term relationship based on love. Sometimes they just want to have fun, a temporary relationship. You don’t need love for that, so don’t get your hopes up. Just live life without so many expectations.

7.- It is very easy to confuse the desire to have a partner momentarily with a love

Sometimes all you want is someone to join you for a little while, for a day or a night. A party, a meeting or something that you feel cannot be done alone. So you are looking for someone to accompany you. And you can feel some feeling, but not necessarily love.

We like to have a love and it may be that you come across someone and think it is love at first sight. You feel an intense attraction, you don’t even know it, but it attracts you. It may be the beginning of something, but it is not love yet.

8.- One of the things or feelings that we confuse with love is habit

This happens a lot in couples who conform and do nothing for their own sake. You are so used to that person and you are also afraid to try something new and everything that happens is harmful to love. They are lazy to find something better.

Habit is another one of those harmful feelings that you can mistake for love. There is no longer the spark of the beginning, always the same. They practically do not communicate and if they have differences they solve them without much communication. There is no love, but they are still together.

9.- Ending and restarting the same relationship over and over has nothing to do with love

There are relationships that end and start over and over again. They may have good intentions to build true love this time, but what encourages them to return the most is the fear of loneliness.

How to build a true love that makes you happy and makes you feel full of life? You can only be happy with what is in you, your happiness happens in you, not outside of you. Work on your self-love and in this way your entire outer world will be transformed.

In short … people have a great need for quick and easy love and in that eagerness they tend to confuse with other feelings.

9 feelings you can mistake for love and only hurt you

1.- A shocking first impression does not mean that love begins
2.- Being friends with rights are another of those things that are confused with love
3.- Nostalgia for what was are other of those feelings that seem like love and not They are
4.- Obsessing over someone is another of the sensations that you could confuse with love
5.- Feeling sorry just because you feel sorry for their reaction if you tell them the truth is not love
6.- Other things that are not love but often it is confused is flirting
7.- It is very easy to confuse the desire to have a partner momentarily with a love
8.- One of the things or feelings that we confuse with love is habit
9.- Ending and restarting the same relationship over and over has nothing to do with love