How to approach a girl you don’t know without fear and without being rejected

Every man at some point in his life has seen a girl he wanted to talk to and was scared. How to approach a girl you do not know and not hesitate? You sure know that feeling. She suddenly appears, beautiful and you like her.

You think you should go up to her and talk to her but your heart beats faster making you nervous. Approaching an unknown woman on the street is not simple if you like her and feel your heart. You have to learn to overcome your anxiety.

You must be prepared long before you see that beautiful girl

For you to be successful, the issue is not that you decide to approach a girl you like. The point is that when she sees you, she wants you to come over and talk to her.

You need to have the proper attitude before you see the girl, long before you even think about saying hello. That is, your lifestyle has to be completely natural to attract women.

Never make the mistake of approaching a girl and talking to her out of the blue, that almost never works. She should know that you want to talk to her as soon as she notices you looking at her.

How to approach a girl you don’t know: Look at her without hesitation

Approaching a girl that you are seeing for the first time and you like her should be a simple and natural process. But somehow our society has contributed to this being a complicated process.

Look at her from time to time trying to get her attention. It is important for her to know that she cares about you. When she finds out, look away. In this way, you arouse their curiosity.

He looks at her again without any hesitation. If she is also looking, things are going well, you can smile and wave at her.

She must tell you with her look that she is interested in meeting you

Approaching an unknown girl can be an almost instantaneous decision. The gaze process above can take a fraction of seconds. You have to see that he likes you.

To know if she accepts or wants you to approach: Look at her when she is looking at you and close your eyes for a fraction of seconds and look away. If she reciprocates you, you are on the right track.

Make her flattered with your attention

The best way to approach a girl you don’t know is by making her feel flattered and curious. It is important that she shows signs that she wants to know more about you.

This works great if you are with your friends or if you are doing something. Look at it from time to time so that it is impossible for you to focus on what you are doing.

Your confidence and smile will tell him that you are worth meeting.

To get close to a woman without scaring her, your confident smile is very important. Any hesitation will hurt you. When there is an exchange of glances, smile for a second.

Your smile should be very subtle, brief, and admiring. A malicious smile can ruin the moment, as there is not a good emotional connection yet.

Approach her when she gives you a positive signal

So the way to approach a girl you don’t know is to first achieve an emotional connection of gazes. If she corresponds to you, the next step is to get up and talk to her.

If you were an expert or a child you could surprise her in a pleasant way, speak to her successfully and without much preamble. But a normal boy has a little fear of rejection.

She can give you signs of wanting you to get closer. If you are with your friends you can get up and walk to the bathroom or something similar. That’s your chance, don’t let it down.

Tell him with a gesture to go out and talk somewhere

Now that you know how to start approaching a girl, it’s time to move to the next level. When you already know that it corresponds to you with the looks and smile, make a sign.

After closing your eyes with her, move your head to the side, as if to say, we go out to talk? You can look somewhere with your eyes so that she understands that you want to see her there.

Get up and head to that group of girls looking only at her

How to approach a girl you do not know if she is with her friends? Walk directly to the group where your chosen one is. Do not look at anyone but her and only her.

Hey, I don’t want to be inopportune, could I talk to you for a minute? I do not know if you believe in fate, but something is happening with me and I will not forgive myself for not trying.

The fundamental thing about approaching to talk with a girl you do not know and is in a group is your firmness. Make her feel special and look at her friends only if they push her towards you.

To approach a woman without fear, buy her a drink

Let’s imagine another scene, she is at her table or somewhere else. You tell the waiter to bring him the same drink you have. If she accepts the drink and smiles looking at you, go to her.

Your drinking success increases if you do it after building a visual connection. As soon as she smiles at you you must walk towards her or she will look like a coward.

Always focus on the girl you made a visual connection with.

You know the best way to approach a girl you like is by initiating non-verbal communication. Therefore learn well to express yourself with your body, gestures, gaze, posture.

Once you manage to connect with a girl, it does not matter that she is accompanied, do not change. That is, you may notice that there is someone nicer or that another girl likes you.

Focus on only one girl even if you discover that there is another more sympathetic. How to approach a girl you don’t know? With great respect, consistency, and firmness.