How to know if he loves me or only plays with me: 8 ways to know

Are you in a relationship, but your guy is sending you mixed signals?

Your boy tells you that he loves you but he always has other more important commitments, he tells you that he loves you but always turns to see the girls next door, sometimes he is too affectionate and then he behaves completely curtly.

Boys actually usually send this type of signal all the time, which causes confusion in each of us, in this way it is really difficult to know if he really loves you or is only trying to play with you.

As the years go by, life will fill you with knowledge and experiences with which it will be easy for you to discover the true intentions of a man with you.

Maybe when you are 50 or 60 years old you will be an expert in this art and of course, it is never too late to learn, however, it would be best if you learned it from this moment, to avoid many headaches and love disappointments.

Today I want to make the experience shorter for you, below I will tell you 10 ways to know if a man really loves you or only plays with you. Pay attention to the following signs:

1.  He likes you only to some degree

If you ask a boy if he seems attractive and he only tells you that he likes you to a certain extent, it is evident that this boy is only playing with you.

He plays with your emotions, tells you that he likes you but adds a clarification that “only up to a point.”

When a man is not sure of his emotions, it is not always an indication of being a “j3rk” who is dedicated to playing with whatever girl is put in front of him.

But if it is an alert of a quite insecure boy and at least it is a clear sign that the relationship will go quite slow between you, because these types of boys always take things too slowly.

2.  He is always very lazy

He is the type of guy who talks a lot but in the end, it always seems that he did not say anything, when he speaks it seems that they have an empty conversation, totally without essence, their answers are completely concise.

If you ask him what he will do this weekend, his most frequent answers are: “mmm, I don’t know, the usual” “You know… things”, “mmm… Oh, this weekend I have it saturated”.

When a boy avoids seeing you and makes thousands of excuses, he definitely does not want anything serious with you, he only wants to see you in his spare time and when he feels like it.

If you suddenly try to be part of his plans, he always finds a quite “logical” reason why you cannot accompany him, we can interpret this in many ways.

As he has a formal relationship with another person and this is the reason why no one but him can see you, he does not care that you are part of his close circle or worse, he simply feels lazy to spend time with you, no matter why the guy is obviously just playing games.

3. He  has other priorities

The guy tells you that he loves you, sometimes you can be thoughtful and romantic, but he always has commitments, and all the time he is unable to cancel any of them for spending time with you.

On several occasions in your opinion it is not a life or death commitment, he could well cancel it and spend the afternoon with you, but in the end, he never does.

He prefers to go out with his friends, go to his mother’s house, help his brother install new equipment, go ONLY for a walk with his pet, or even spend the weekend lying in his apartment doing nothing exciting.

When a boy is interested in you, he cannot detach himself from you, he wants to spend as much time as possible, on the other hand, with a boy who only wants to play he will always have an ideal excuse not to see you.

4.  He hides his phone

A guy who hides his phone has something to hide, this is a rule that has no exceptions, do not try to excuse it.

If you have been in the relationship for a while and your boy suddenly begins to hide his mobile phone, something is definitely not right, try to chat with him and find out what happened to him, when a relationship at first worked well, regularly it is worth fighting for him.

On the other hand, when your boy hid his cell phone from you from the beginning, he goes with him everywhere, he turns it off when he is with you and he has never asked you to answer for him and on no occasion has he lent it to you, not even to use the camera.

It is a sign that he is playing with you, it is most likely that he has a “second front” or that you are, while the other relationship is his main love, in this case, it is not worth making any effort to save the relationship, the best thing you can do is get it over with immediately.

5. He introduces you as his friend

Without any exception, every time they run into someone you know of your boy, he introduces you as his “friend” the problem is, if they have already spent the night together, they have shared many hours, they kiss all the time, definitely that is not precisely a friendship.

He should present you as his girlfriend at least out of politeness, but he doesn’t seem to care much what you think about it.

Now that you know this, you might be wondering is there anything worse than being presented as his friend in a situation like the above, or if you already consider him the love of your life, and have you ever thought about the name of his children?

The answer is YES, there is something worse: DO NOT INTRODUCE YOU!

If on any occasion you go with your boy and suddenly your boy bumps into a friend and he decides to just say hi, chat a bit with the other girl, talk about trivial topics and say goodbye immediately, your boy obviously couldn’t forget to introduce you.

He just didn’t feel like it, he decided that the best option will be simply not to mention your existence, this boy is definitely playing with you, it is best that you get away as soon as possible.

6.  He cancels all the time

If you and your boy have already made big plans for that night and suddenly he receives a call from a friend inviting him to have a few beers in a bar and your boy is able to cancel the plan with you even if they already have everything ready.

He definitely doesn’t want to be with you or is interested enough in you to spend a little of his time with you.

When women fall in love, we don’t usually react too quickly, we try to justify this person’s behavior and pretend that nothing is wrong or that it doesn’t hurt.

But in this case, from point 6, the disinterest of the person is evident, do not tolerate this type of abuse You deserve better!

7. He never talks about his feelings

You and your boy usually talk very August, they spend beautiful moments, but when it comes to love he closes himself completely and refuses to talk about it.

Many guys can feel embarrassed when talking about their feelings, but when a partner opens his heart and talks openly about how he feels about him, men often react reciprocally and end up opening his heart after your confession.

But with your boy things are different, when you try to talk to him about it, instead of paying attention and feeling that the trust between you advances, he tries to move away immediately, because for one reason or another he never has the mood to talk about feelings.

8.  He still talks about his ex

When a man keeps talking about his ex, it doesn’t matter if he talks good or bad about her, that is really irrelevant, the important thing is that he has not forgotten her.

That indicates that the girl undoubtedly did something right and that is why he cannot forget her, but this does not indicate that you are doing something wrong and that is the reason why he still remembers her.

This is definitely not your fault and less your obligation to make a guy forget his ex-partner, everyone has to resolve their losses personally.

If he keeps thinking about his ex and talks to you about her, the only thing he is trying with you is to forget her by your side, he is only using you, he does not really love you.

Stop pretending to be the good Samaritan who will “heal his heart” so that later he can love you, you deserve a free boy in every way, a man who is ready to love you from day one.

When a boy is in love it shows and a boy who only plays too, it is just a matter of paying attention to the past tips and you will never have problems with a boy who just wants to play.

If you learn to identify it, you can play it yourself and turn the matter into an extremely exciting game, on the other hand, if you start to fall in love and discover that your boy only plays, it will be quite convenient for you to know it in time.

Believe me, a cunning heart is worth much more than one broken into a thousand pieces.