Why some women are always rejected by men

There are essentially 3 genders of women: those who make men rave for them and hence are never single, those who are single by choice but have a line of men longing for an occasion and, finally, girls who are not at all pretty, who They never make appointments, and when they take the initiative they are rejected.

This situation is disconcerting, due to the fact that it is not simply a matter of having good or bad luck, and surely it should not be related to a lack of physical attributes, rather it is a matter of attitude or behaviors that make children lose interest. .

It is common for women in relationships to resolve to refuse suitors when their hopes are not fulfilled, not vice versa.

If you feel identified with this situation, surely you want to solve this situation as soon as possible.

In this article we present you some practical, simple and really useful tips, so that you can eliminate rejection in the field of affection from your life.

1. You got used to rejection

The human is theoretically an animal of habit, so if you have been rejected multiple times, surely your psyche will pass thoughts such as: “I better not try it anymore”, “It is always the same”, “He will reject me anyway”, “They don’t even look at me.”

As long as you think this way, you will not go to any lengths to advance your strategies to captivate men and you will probably have a lower self-esteem, which is not at all attractive to the opposite gender.

When you are afraid of rejection and you get used to it, the guys who watch you or who talk to you feel it in some way.

They know that you distrust your ability to get attention and that you feel bad about not being in a relationship.

This shows a kind of despair that causes rejection to continue. Do not despair, demand more of yourself, meet people in different places than the ones you usually frequent and work on your self-esteem before going out to conquer.

2. You don’t value yourself

Because you have become used to rejection, you also become used to the idea that you are not desirable or attractive to men. In this way, you have become unconsciously attached to the feeling of defeat and also dissatisfaction with yourself.

It is essential to feel self-love, so that others can appreciate and value who you truly are. If you don’t love yourself, why would the rest of you?

Not having self-esteem holds you behind other women who do love each other and present themselves as they are to the rest. They do not lament, they do not feel sorry for themselves, nor do they die the moment a relationship fails, because they know that someone else will arrive when they decide to do so.

Stop seeking approval from others to be happy. The authentic acceptance that will lead you to happiness can only be given to you.

3. You have unrealistic hopes

The fact that you have had bad loving experiences does not mean that they will be repeated always and in all circumstances in your life.

You are what you think and you receive what you give. They are 2 sentences that may sound like cliche, but they have a very important meaning. If you consider yourself defeated before trying a new relationship, you cannot expect anything other than disaster.

Every time a negative thought appears in your psyche, turn it into a positive one and you will perceive that your energies change completely. Instead of meditating, “This is too good to be true,” think, “And why can’t it be?”

4. You have little confidence in yourself.

Would you like to be with a man who doesn’t believe in himself? Probably not.

Trust and love are qualities that walk hand in hand, both are clear signs of power and power is absolutely attractive.

No man likes being with an insecure woman, because she is unattractive and also interesting. The lack of security usually brings with it inconveniences such as jealousy, inferiority complex and unhealthy competition with the rest. Each and every one of these behaviors tend to bring problems in relationships.

If you want to conquer a boy, trust yourself first and the rest will come as well.

5. You look in need of love

If you let a man think that he is essential for you and that you need it to live, he will take advantage of you from the start and then he will abandon you because you will look unattractive.

Feeling that someone depends too much on another is a responsibility that absolutely no one wants to prove.

A relationship cannot be built on the grounds of despair and fear of losing the partner you test. Codependency is not healthy, you must first ensure that you have a life of your own, be happy with yourself to be able to share, without specifying, your partner.

6. You pick the wrong men

Knowing well who you are attracted to is essential to discover if they are truly the ideal person to share as a couple.

If you discovered that the boy is in love with another, is married, a womanizer or does not have a life plan that matches yours, why exactly do you insist on that relationship?

Engaging in the wrong person, still knowing that the relationship is not going to work, is a boycott that you do to yourself. Insisting on a partner who has no future is one way to ensure another setback in your life.

Don’t pursue toxic relationships.

There are too many good and responsible single men to insist on the ones who will make you unhappy always and at all times.

7. You don’t take care of your personal image

In a society accustomed to certain physical standards, you cannot allow yourself to neglect your appearance.

Let the way you dress express who you are and how you feel. Change your look, use clothes with a style that suits the place and event you should go to.

Wear attractive clothes more in which you feel comfortable and remember that your lingerie, although absolutely no one else sees it, can progress or deteriorate the outfit you choose.

Just imagine what would happen if you manage to flirt with a guy, they want to go to action, and your underwear is stretched, worn or out of date. That is not sensual!

Or let’s say that your bra is very small and in addition to this the shirt is low-cut, if you get to bend over, you run the risk that your bust moves out of place and is exposed. It would be embarrassing!

In both situations, you give the image of being a careless woman.

In conclusion

Being rejected or being the most desired on the site is not a matter of luck, but rather of attitude. If you love yourself, you project a confident image and high self-esteem, you will surely be able to capture more than one kid around you.

With what you get to work! Exploit your inner potential and believe in yourself, the rest will come by itself.

We hope you have liked this information. If you have tips to increase confidence or questions about the subject, do not forget to leave them in our comment box. If you found it useful, remember that you can also share the article on your social networks.