Dating Tips: The 4 Dating Stages You Should Know About

Beautiful stages of dating

Falling in love and vowing commitment are the most overwhelming feelings one could ever experience. This could start with an early infatuation, but to pave the way that leads to the beautiful feeling called love, it includes dozens of stages. Not all people can conquer all stages. Only the person with a true heart and passion for their love could go the long way of dating that might have some occasional thorns. If you have a fearless and loving heart, you must be curious about the different stages of dating. Let’s go ahead and reflect on each of them.

1. The early stages of dating: crush and blush

Being attracted to her charming love is the first initial stage of dating. It’s a very healthy start! You go crazy just trying to steal a look at your love and your heart can’t stop beating when you do.

In the presence of the person who yearns, we can be overly conscious of our appearance. We may never date without careful preparation beforehand, in case we do meet our love interest. Also, spending more time getting ready in the morning would become a new hobby. This is likely to happen in your office, university or school, or even in your neighborhood, anywhere you can see your crush regularly.

At this stage, you are too eager to know everything about the person you adore. That special someone’s million dollar smile can make you dizzy and shy. The joy you feel when you see it is clearly evident in the natural blush on your cheeks.

2. Start healthy conversation and hangouts: another dating step

Moving on to the next dating stages, you should have already exchanged contact numbers and started texting. A naive person might be looking for advice on how to break awkward silence during a phone call or in a hangout.

Long-standing excitement is hard to keep at bay. But, start the conversation on a healthy note. Act calmly so that the other person feels comfortable too, even if you’re feeling nervous as hell.

Getting to know each other better is another step after getting comfortable with each other. They may find themselves texting all day and all night. Little by little, the flow of the conversation deepens and you will love every quality that your partner possesses. You are blind to the shortcomings of the person, and it becomes more difficult to resist the passionate and intoxicating infatuation. You fantasize for a whole day about long, romantic dates with your crush. In the course of time, dating glides smoothly as in a utopian world; you as a couple will seem romantically ideal.

3. Stages of successful dating: revelations and realizations

As the caption suggests, these dating stages reveal a lot of nuggets of truth. The veil of your utopian world falls away and you see the relationship as it really is. There is immense love and care in the relationship, but now there are also arguments. Tantrums that were once perceived as cute are now a major source of irritation. The flaws and weaknesses of both partners are now evident. The relationship hasn’t lost its warmth, but there are no longer relentless texts and long phone calls. All the more frequent text messages and calls in these dating stages can lead to irritation.

In the midst of doubts, many questions float to the mind. Is this person right for me? Are we going to be a good couple? You can also find yourself surrounded by insecurities. Such dating stages could be the turning point in your relationship. If you are truly in love and passionate, you will accept your partner’s shortcomings as sincerely as you accepted the qualities. People always fall in love with the perfect aspects of someone’s personality. But true love lies in accepting flaws and fixing them.

The best advice for those who go through these stages is that one should adopt a healthy set of skills to cope.

This is the moment of revelation when you realize that it is no longer a crush, but a true love when you fall in love with the person you are dating every day.

4. Final stages of dating: engagement and marriage.

The intimacy in these dating stages deepens and you are ready to take vows of engagement. All kinds of uncertainty in the relationship somehow fades away. The trust that has been built between two people during the period of their relationship is further strengthened.

You have absorbed and accepted all aspects of your partner’s personality, both good and bad. They respect the likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations, and opinions of others. Neither of them loses their individuality and freedom. Also, you are very honest in sharing your feelings. Caring for the other person’s wishes is as necessary as caring for your own.

The ups and downs are an integral part of life. Being together in any situation is a very significant sign of your commitment to the person you are dating. Go ahead, commit yourself and get ready for marriage!