60 personal questions to ask a girl to really get to know her

Asking your girl questions will help you get to know her on a new level

Whether it’s the beginning of your relationship or you’ve been together for a while, you can always get to know your girlfriend better. Asking her questions is a great way to learn more about her, and knowing these answers can bring you closer together. Here are some questions you can use to start some great conversations, and we promise you’ll get to know your little girl a lot better after asking them.

Ask funny and random questions to get to know your girl


Random and hypothetical questions are a great way to learn more about how your child thinks and values.

These questions are also fun conversation starters! This will make her talk and feel more comfortable opening you up. Here are some favorites: 1.) If you were stranded on a desert island, which 3 of your friends would you like to have with you? 2.) If you were an animal, what animal would you be? 3.) If you had your option of $ 200 every day for the rest of your life or $ 2 million right now, which would you choose? 4.) What famous person would you like to meet in this world? 5.) If you could only eat the same 5 things for the rest of your life, what foods would you choose? 6.) What do you think your dog/cat thinks about you? 7.) What is the place you want to visit the most in your life? 8.) If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your last day on earth? 9. ) If someone offered to pay you $ 1 million to live a year without Wi-Fi, could you do it? 10.) What is the scariest / funniest movie you’ve ever seen? 11.) If you found a lot of money, would you keep it or try to give it back to the person who lost it? 12.) Is it okay to cheat at school? 13.) What do you think we should eliminate from the planet? 14.) What is your favorite food? 15.) Would you be able to spend the night in a house that is said to be haunted?

Ask questions about her dreams and goals

Learn more about what motivates your girl with these questions

16.) What do you enjoy doing the most in this world? 17.) What problem would you like to help solve in your life? 18.) Describe the life of your dreams when you are 20, 30, 40 years old. 19.) If you could study something, what would you like to learn about? 20.) What is a hobby you want to learn? 21.) What are you really good at? 22.) Would you rather do one thing for the rest of your life or change careers many times? 23.) Is there anything you’re good at that no one really knows? 24.) If you could learn a new skill every year, what would you like to learn next year? The year after? 25.) What are you looking forward to the most right now? 26.) What are some things on your wish list? 27.) What is a new habit that you want to develop? 28.) What do you believe in? 29.) If life could be more like a movie, What movie would you choose? 30.) What is one thing you hope to achieve in your life?

Get to know your family and friends


If you want to love the girl, you must love her friends and family

Learn more about the people you are close to, and you will also know more about her. 31.) What do your siblings do to make you nervous? 32.) Which of your friends would you call in an emergency? 33.) What can a friend do to make you stop talking to him? 34.) Which of your parents is more strict? 35.) What is something you admire about someone in your family? 36.) Where does your family come from? Do you have relatives in other places? 37.) What is a family tradition that you love? One that you hate? 38.) What is important to you when you choose new friends? 39.) Who is the most generous person you know? 40.) If you could give your best friend some advice that he had to take, what would you say to him? 41.) Have you ever ended a friendship and regretted it? 42.) If your friend didn’t like you, what would you do? 43. ) If you could travel for 3 months with a member of your family, who would you choose? 44.) What do you like most about your house/room/neighborhood? 45.) What is the best gift you gave someone?

Ask questions about your fears and concerns

Find out what keeps her awake at night

Knowing what worries you will help you understand why you do certain things and what motivates your decisions. It’s also a great way to find out how you can be a supportive partner. 46.) What trait do you dislike the most about yourself? 47.) If you eliminated a fear for the rest of your life, what worry would you get rid of? 48.) Is there a time when you failed at something you really wanted? How did you react to? 49.) What character trait has gotten you into the biggest problems in your life? 50.) Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and alone? 51.) What is an unhealthy habit that you would like to change? 52.) Do you have a phobia about something? 53.) What is the worst thing you have done in your life? 54.) What keeps you awake at night? 55.) Is being brave a good thing? 56.) Are you superstitious? About? 57.) Is there something from your past that you regret? 58. ) Has anyone ever hurt you? 59.) How would others describe you? How do you describe yourself? 60.) What do you doubt the most about your abilities? No matter what she asks, be sure to listen to her responses, try to connect with her on a personal level, and be involved when she is speaking. If you do, you are on your way to a great relationship!