15 effective ways to make a guy love you again

Do everything you can to make him like you again

A happy and fluid relationship is something we all dream of a relationship in which both people share a great bond and mutual love. But everything is going well until we are faced with a really big fight, which can have any relationship on the brink of a breakup, where your partner finally stops loving you. Getting your guy to like you again after a heated conversation or a nasty fight can be a difficult task. If you think that simple texting or calling him back will make him go back to being like you, you could be wrong. Sometimes it is not so easy. Just as one has to work hard before starting a relationship or friendship, getting your guy to like you again after a fight or misunderstanding can take a lot of effort. There are a few basic reasons why your guy isn’t interested in you again. Sometimes it can happen that your guy is simply falling out of excitement. However, in other cases, people tend to avoid each other for a few other reasons as well. Your guy might avoid it as he is afraid of similar arguments and disagreements again in the future. Also, sometimes fights leave a bitter impression on our hearts and minds, so deep that we all tend to make tough and stern decisions, which we often regret later. Therefore, it can also happen that your boy has stopped loving you again simply because of his stubbornness. But hardly anyone can hold on to bitter emotions towards loved ones for long. We all need love and expect more and more from our loved ones, especially during times of crisis or fighting. We all hope that our loved ones will make up for our resentments and come back as if nothing happened. We all need a little more pampering and nurturing. We all want to feel needed and cared for, over and over again. Therefore, you should keep in mind that if he liked you before, it is also unusual for him to quickly fall in love with him. So fasten your shoelaces and do your best to win back the guy you like. Here are some effective ways to make a guy want you again that you should try: We all want to feel needed and cared for, over and over again. Therefore, you should keep in mind that if he liked you before, it is also unusual for him to quickly fall in love with him. So fasten your shoelaces and do your best to win back the guy you like. Here are some effective ways to make a guy want you again that you should try: We all want to feel needed and cared for, over and over again. Therefore, you should keep in mind that if he liked you before, it is also unusual for him to quickly fall in love with him. So fasten your shoelaces and do your best to win back the guy you like. Here are some effective ways to make a guy want you again that you should try:

1. Try to find the root cause of the fight

Before continuing or starting to solve a problem, it is essential to find the root cause so that the solution can be amicably found. Only then can you better prepare and make your guy love you again. Not only will it help you solve the problem for the moment and make him feel like you, but it will also serve as a guide to avoid future fights.

2. Admit your mistakes

It is as important to accept mistakes as to identify them. Accepting your mistakes to yourself will give you clarity on how you should act in certain matters. It will also make your heart and brain remember the ‘no’ of your relationship. Only then can you have a positive outlook for the future and move on to get back together again.

3. Respect his opinion

The two of you may have different perspectives on the same situation, but that is not a strange thing. Every human being has his or her own points of view and everyone thinks that he or she is right in their place. Therefore, it is very important to understand and respect your guy’s opinions, even if they don’t agree with yours or if you don’t like them. Only then can you work to win back your guy’s interest and get him to like him again.

4. ‘Space’ is the word

After a fight or discussion, we all need a little “me” time to reflect on the matter and clarify things. Give your boy that time. Don’t mess with him or keep talking to him thinking that he will make your guy like you come back faster. It will only make the problem worse. Let me miss you. Let him understand that your presence is much more important than the fight. It will make you feel that you are mature enough to understand and face life’s difficulties. Men love to trust mature girls. So give him space, as this is sure to make your guy like you again. In the meantime, get ready for the next acts.

5. Explain your behavior to the boy

It often happens that our thoughts are not well expressed through our actions. In that case, people tend to misunderstand us and that leads to more disagreements. To explain the reasons behind your actions to your guy in the simplest way. It will help you to recover it quickly and to resolve the differences.

6. Talk to your guy in person

Sure we are living in a world of social media and cutting-edge technology, but the human touch is still needed somewhere; especially if it’s about the heart. Try to meet and speak with your guy in person and not over the phone or text. Your urge to see him will make him feel important. You will surely like to give it your time. You will be interested again in coming back after seeing your genuine expressions.

7. Apologize to your boy

Admitting your mistakes and asking for forgiveness is always a good idea. Highlight your honesty, which will help you consolidate your relationship. However, be careful to draw the line between apologizing and pleasing your guy. Don’t keep asking for forgiveness over and over again. Say it once, but say it genuinely.

8. Be yourself

The best thing to do after a fight while talking to your guy again is to be yourself. Don’t start acting strange or in a completely new way, just to please him or express your point of view. Be the normal you. I know the reason he did initially like you and will come back to you again.

9. Get flirty again

A guy can barely contain himself when a girl is flirting with him, especially if he ever liked that girl. So flirting is a great way to get back with your guy. However, be careful not to overdo it. Keep it subtle. You are bound to be interested and you will like it again.

10. Relive your special moments

Relieving the moments that brought you closer is a very effective way to get back together. The moments gone by will wake things up between the two of you and make people get along again! The fact that you remember and cherish the happy moments of the union is sure to make me like you again.

11. Plan a surprise trip

While you’re together, don’t ask him where he wants to go over and over again. Instead, plan a picnic lunch at your favorite country park or show up with tickets to an adventure park. A sudden outbreak of happiness helps to erase bitter feelings from the heart. Plus, an adrenaline rush is a great way to get close again. Be their support. Your interest in her taste is sure to positively impact her heart and make her like her again, fast.

12. Forget

When things start to get a little better, talk to him like nothing happened. Don’t bring up the incident of the fight over and over again. In short, make things easier between the two of you. It will help you forget it and love it again.

13. He could take the time to want you back

Different people take a different amount of time to heal and come back again. So keep calm and be patient. Don’t push it hard. Assure him that he can take as long as he wants. In the meantime, try to understand it better. This will not only make him like you again, but it will also strengthen your bond.

14. Let him spill his heart

Once he’s done admitting and apologizing, allow him to do the same. Let me speak to you. Trust me, even your boy has a lot to say. Listen to it with an open heart. Trust his feelings and he will start loving you again. Make him feel comfortable; make sure your thoughts are the most important thing to you.

15. Show faith in him

It is very important to show your guy that you are just as interested in him even now, as you were before. Let him know that you see the two of you together in the future and that you want to work towards it. Show him your love, affection, and faith. Your confidence will definitely make him like you again.

Don’t give up on love so easily

Getting out of a relationship that was once closer to your heart can be a very painful situation. It can be devastating to see that your loved one no longer cares about you. The same person, for whom you were referring to the world, is not even interested in your life. The fear of losing your boy often makes you do things that you do not find well or that you would not have done otherwise. Careful with this. The fear that your guy will never love you again can make you feel helpless and often depressed. But don’t worry so much. Just follow the tips above and you are sure to quickly get your guy back just like you. However, keep in mind; It is equally important to maintain a healthy relationship so that your boy will love you again. When your boy doesn’t like you, even after trying again and again, do not be discouraged. It is quite possible that the problem is something else. It may be a matter of fact that your guy likes you, but he’s going through certain thoughts or influences, causing him to believe that he doesn’t. Or maybe you are too stressed out with other problems in life. Do not lose hope. Give your relationship some time and love; things will just fit.