14 signs a man is falling in love with you without knowing it

Can a man fall in love with you without knowing it?

When it comes to understanding men, they seem like a totally different species, but they are too similar to women when it comes to emotions and feelings. Their minds are wired a little differently, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel the same things as girls.

The difference is that, when women fall in love, they express their feelings in a flood of happiness and a mixture of confused but positive emotions. Their expressions are mostly instantaneous and quite obvious. Guys, on the other hand, have a hard time revealing what’s in their hearts and they also need quite a bit of time to figure it out for themselves.

So yes, men can fall in love without knowing it. All they need is a little care and a little guidance and not an abrupt reaction.

A guy’s perspective:

Men go through a series of ‘phases’ when they meet a girl, meet her, and then have feelings for her. There is a difference in each step of the way. This explains that when men fall in love, they fall in love strongly. Your love has this accumulation of affection and time in general, those phases that create depth in love, take a look at those:


The ‘liking’ phase

This one is pretty simple when guys instantly like you based on physical attraction, body language, and just the conventional stuff. Yes, this seems a bit superficial, but that’s just the beginning. Understanding a man’s emotions doesn’t have to be difficult. Sometimes you just need to observe their actions to know their true feelings.

The ‘chase’ phase

When the guys are pretty sure you’re the one, they’ll try to get your attention. They will try to impress you in any way they can.

The ‘wanting love’ phase

This is the point where he is getting serious. He is so interested in you that he wants the same in return. All his worries right now are making you fall in love with him. Remember to be patient! Making things go too fast is also a bad sign. Make sure you take your time!

The ‘decision’ phase

When a guy has practically expressed his feelings, the girl now decides how things will go afterward. He might be confused that all his attempts to impress the girl didn’t portray him as he really is.

The ‘love’ phase

If you go through the decision phase, you are probably falling in love now. It takes all that for men to fall in love.

The brutally honest phases of a man who falls in love.

14 signs he’s falling in love with you slowly and unknowingly

You can’t afford to miss out on the feeling of love, it’s amazing, satisfying, and special in its own way. Signs are always in front of you, a little closer can help you figure out the whole tricky thing. It’s about following the breadcrumbs that an uncle leaves behind, those hidden signs that you can go unnoticed can be the key to everything. Every guy is different, but here are some of the surest signs that he’s falling in love:

How he acts around you

1. The old school gentleman

When a guy really falls in love with you, he will respect you in every way. Your comfort is the most important thing to him, whether it’s opening doors or pulling out a chair in a restaurant. No matter how muscular or tough he seems, he switches to a soft one when he’s around the girl he loves. His actions, his voice, everything becomes smooth.

2. Accept your weirdness

Guys fall in love with everything and yes, it all means that no matter how dumb or clumsy his girl is, he will admire her. If you ever feel like you’re really weird and annoying at times, but he doesn’t have a problem with it, instead, he’s enjoying it or laughing with you, then he’s definitely falling for you.

3. Nervousness

It’s almost a bit funny when guys go out of their way to prove their masculinity yet get so nervous about their one true love, it’s the cutest thing there is. Oftentimes, their hands shake, they sweat, and they confuse words when they are around you.

4. He is protective

Being protective is the natural instinct of every man. This point should always be taken in a positive light and not in the sense of an “annoying possessive boyfriend.” The instant warm fuzzy sensation you feel when he puts his arm around you, taken as a sign that he’s falling in love with you.

5. Body language

He may not say exactly what he’s feeling and you can’t read his mind either, but what you can read are the signals his body says. The mind automatically makes body language so predictable when someone is attracted to you, don’t miss it.

6. The hidden signs

The things you have to watch closely are that his pupils will dilate when he talks to you or just feels love. Their toes will almost always point towards you when they are standing next to you. There is a very typical nod that people do when they are interested in someone. At some point he will start to mimic your movements, like when you laugh, he laughs…etc

7. Your attention

Be on the lookout for small gestures such as leaning towards you when speaking, extra efforts to understand your every word, responding to everything you say or do, etc. He wants to know your reaction to everything and he keeps himself under control if he is getting bored.

8. The million-dollar smile

There is no suspicion here, that cute smile will say it all. Especially when he is not around you, he will have that constant smile with flushed cheeks, probably reading your text messages or thinking about you. And when he’s with you, that happy face can tell you how much he really likes you. This is such a sure sign that you make a guy so happy that he can’t help himself.

9. The touch

Guys are very fond of physical love, if a guy likes you that much, he would want to touch you or be as close to you as possible without making it uncomfortable. If he stands very close to you or tries to reach for your hand, your hair, especially in public, then he is really falling in love with you.

10. Dramatic eye contact

Men like to see what they like, and by seeing we mean the deep, longer-than-usual eye contact they do. Eye contact is one of the most intimate gestures and if you feel that he is having fun looking into your eyes, so much so that you often even feel uncomfortable, then he is so interested in you.

Changes in personality

In addition to being with you, there are so many changes that you can notice in his personality that point to one thing, his infatuation:

11. His friends can wait

Guys can have a hard time choosing between their peers and their girlfriend. But if he likes you, even his friends will know how important you are and there a balance is created. Men prioritize the things that make them happy, even if it’s love. There is no need to yearn or fight for attention when a man is in this phase of love.

12. Other girls don’t matter

That is one of the most important things you can notice in your guy if he is falling in love with you. You may not even notice it, but looking at other girls or even spending time with his friends, it becomes non-existent.

13. Future planning

Get a guy to talk about commitments? It seems impossible, but not when you are deeply in love. You might even panic when he brings up the wedding talks or the names your children will have. If not specified, in general, he may feel like he’s getting serious and wants to spend his whole life with you.

14. He opens up, truly

It takes a long time to get inside a guy’s head. When he finally begins to share small details about his life, his past, his feelings, it means that he is ready to give you his heart. Being close to this level is another degree of intimacy.


Maybe a guy wants you to look for these signs so you can give him the answer he wants and things move forward. These precious signs should not be missed, maybe you don’t want someone to fall in love with you, so you can spot them and move on. On the other hand, these could be the small step towards great love.