The meaning of one-sided love and how to work on it

There is nothing worse than not having your feelings reciprocated. Well, maybe being misled, but let’s not go in that direction. You didn’t click on this article to feel even worse than you already feel.

The meaning of one-sided love

We have all experienced one-sided love, or commonly called unrequited love, at some point in our lives. It is not a pleasant place to meet, and many do their best to get out of it as quickly as they can. Unrequited love is when your feelings for that special someone are unrequited.

You may already be in a relationship with them, that is an even more difficult position, or it may be someone you like and dislike. In any case, it is you who does all the work. For now, you may have overflowing energy to fight for your cause; However, as time passes, one-sided love affects your physical, mental, and emotional health.

It takes two to tango, and a one-sided love fails miserably at that.

How to make a one-sided love successful

Making one-sided love succeed is hard work, but if you decide to try one more time, read on.

1. Know your worth

Being overly possessive and obsessed with the person on the receiving end is never a good sign. Remember that only you are experiencing this whirlwind of emotions. Only you want to see this person grow, and only you want to be with this person. Oh.

Before packing your bags, take a step back and assess yourself. You are great and you are fantastic. Your world does not revolve around that person. With this mindset, go and talk to your partner about the situation. Tell him how you feel the relationship is one-sided. If you like it, go out and meet new people and expand your options.

2. Respect your partner/lover

It is essential to respect your partner or that person you like. No matter how you feel, no matter how frustrated you feel because they don’t want you to come back, never lash out based on these emotions. For a romantic relationship to work, one does not impose emotions or expectations on the other. It is based on mutual understanding and respect. Look at your relationship with this mindset.

3. Be honest

Perhaps the reason your one-sided relationship doesn’t work out is that you haven’t been entirely honest with your partner. Perhaps the reason you feel this way is because your partner has no idea how much it hurts.

If you are already in a serious relationship and feel that way, be honest with yourself and open up with your partner. Many of us don’t want to talk about things like this, but we should. Honesty is essential in any healthy and stable relationship. Tell your partner that you feel that you are always the first to say “I love you”, starting everything, or that you still feel that you are the one doing all the work to keep the relationship alive.

You are helping yourself by being honest.

4. Coping with depression due to one-sided love

First of all, know that it is worth it. The situation you’ve found yourself in is not your fault or theirs. It’s not their fault that they don’t feel the same way about you. If the shoe doesn’t fit, it just doesn’t fit.

It just is, and you have to accept it slowly. It hurts, and your self-esteem goes flying out the window. When you find yourself in this bottomless abyss of feeling that no one will love you for who you are, stop right there and say that someone who could not see you for you does not make you unworthy of love.

Take this time to open up to other options. If you’re already in a relationship with them, it’s time to have “the talk,” and if you’re in love, well, it’s time to move on. Hurting yourself more and waiting for things to change might not be healthy. Your happiness is more important.


One-sided love is never an easy situation to be in. Mess up your daily life. You end up overthinking, doubting, and stressing out. On the positive side, one-sided love is never permanent. The non-reciprocator could change, or it could tire and walk away.

A one-sided love teaches us many things, such as knowing our self-esteem, making a decision, defending it, and seeing things as they really are.

The important thing is to realize the facts and characteristics of this type of relationship, whether you are in one or not, and make the necessary changes.