Languages ​​of love : discover them and express your love

Love languages ​​are the way we show our feelings to that person we love and can be given in different ways.

They have been called this way because they are the way or the nuance with which we give that touch of ours to the way we express ourselves, in addition, they are part of the keys to conquer.

In this specific case, we have our own style of loving through a language that represents us. So we can all have different ways of saying what we feel, it is like our way of communicating in romantic relationships.

Then, we can use expressions, acts, attitudes, words, behaviors, etc., which will help us to outline our feelings.

As, perhaps, you did not know this or, perhaps you know very little, I have decided to enlighten you from this article on the languages ​​of love. You just have to keep reading to find out what I’m talking about promptly.

In the same way, do not forget that these can be combined and are not exclusive to one person, in fact, they can be shared and mixed.



In case you did not know, for us as human beings contact with other people is essential to relate.

For this reason, from our birth we always look for that type of connection, for example, with our mother, since it is our first interaction with the world; It is our first form of communication and sentimental expression as human beings and it remains marked for us for life.

So it’s no wonder that touch and skin are part of our way of showing affection towards the person we love. Even the importance of body language also called kinesic, lies in physical contact and its communicative power.

So, being this a form of expression of emotions and feelings, it is not uncommon for us to practice it with our partner.

If you are a person who feels comfortable, for example, with massages or caresses, giving or receiving them, surely you are someone who communicates with physical contact.

At least, it is something that predominates in your way of being, which is why it is part of the language ​​of love.


Well, this type of language can seem somewhat controversial because it can be confused with materialism and mere interest. However, this type of affective code is quite different from those acts mentioned above.

That is when you are with someone out of interest you only expect things in return and you only think of your benefit. On the other hand, when a relationship is based on materialism, everything revolves around money and everything that is achieved with it.

But, when we express ourselves with detailed language, we are more creative and we make the simplest thing special.

In addition, gifts and surprises are constant, but they do not necessarily involve money, that is, we could be special with notes, reminders, good attention, etc.

Rather, the details that fall in love become that expression of love that shows how much we love that person.


Acts of service are also a display of affection that also becomes a language of love.

There are many people who find it much easier to express what they feel through actions, especially those that are caring.

For example, being aware of your partner with aspects such as his health, his mood, or triumphs in general.

Really, those who identify with this type of love language, feel that they generate a connection with their partner through acts of service.

Now, you have to know how to differentiate this type of affective communication from emotional dependence. The difference lies in the frequency, the purpose, and the way you provide that service.

For example, it is one thing to collaborate with your partner and pamper him with good care after he comes home from work so that he can rest.

It is very different to repeat this action daily without fail and feel that it is an obligation that, if you do not fulfill it, you feel bad or argue about it.

The truth is a matter of empathy and willfulness more than anything else, but without overdoing it in this regard.

So do not worry if you are a person who identifies with this way of loving, just try to give it the right balance.


Another way to tell our partners how much we love them is through our support and presence at almost all times.

On different occasions, many people find it difficult to express in words how much they love their partner. But, in return, they are there at all times, especially when their partner needs them the most, so this becomes their way of loving.

Loyalty and presence are that special touches that these people have because, although they do not say it with words, they say it with actions.

Surely with this type of effective communication, many feel identified, especially introverts.

So, next time before you think that your partner may be cold, it would be good if you asked yourself first if their love language is different.

You could even be the one who feels comfortable with this way of expressing your love, for which it would be good to let your partner know to avoid misunderstandings.

Remember that true love manifests itself in different ways and there are no particular steps to follow.


Another way to show how much you love your boyfriend is through confident and affirmative words.

What does this mean? Simple! It is about expressing without fear everything you feel for that person, saying all those beautiful words of love.

Not showing doubts and uncertainty when telling him why you love him, this melts anyone who hears it.

Imagine that, for some reason, you feel that this man shows you insecurity and, also, that he tells you that he is confused and things like that.

This unstable attitude over time will affect you and make you feel that something is wrong and that, perhaps, that person does not want to be with you. Now, effective language through the words of affirmation is the antidote to the previous example.

Whoever makes use of this way of expressing love will undoubtedly make that person with whom they are them feel quite comfortable.

Because who does not like to be told how much they love him? It is precisely this constant affirmation that allows love to stay alive.

So, if this is your way of loving, in good time! You are a person who is not afraid to express your feelings and this will be noticed by your partner.


In the same way, trust can be considered another way of showing love, since it is a way of respecting the freedom of the other.

When trust is placed in the couple, both feel calmer and happier, they are honest and know how to dialogue.

In addition, when there is this form of healthy communication as a couple, doubts are not generated and, on the contrary, the bond becomes stronger.

But why is practicing this kind of love language so beneficial? Simply because it reflects what we really want.

It is a forceful form of the effective intentions that we have, so it is a good fertilizer to cultivate that union.

Oh, and let’s not forget that trust as the primary language in the relationship keeps us away from toxic practices that deteriorate the bond.


Last but not least, there is the language of admiration that aims to bring out the best in the couple.

This is something rather spontaneous that arises thanks to the enthusiasm and feelings of love that the other produce in us.

So, since we want to make our partner feel good, we appeal to compliments, to how well the other does things, we say phrases of true love, etc., all because that is a form of affective language.

In this case, it is very advantageous to take this way of expressing yourself since obviously our partner will feel quite loved and supported. There is nothing more beautiful than that person we love feels admiration for us because we feel that correspondence with what we feel.

Usually, people who take this language praise and compliment their loved one to keep the flame of love alive.


Yes of course!

As I said much above, these languages ​​are not exclusive to one person or for a single-use. Fortunately, we are all free to implement them however we like and benefit us most.

They can even be enhanced with other tricks or with the techniques of the Magnetic Desire Method, whose action is powerful.

So do not miss it and discover what it has for you!

So, if you want, you can start experimenting with all the languages ​​or with the one that catches your attention, the important thing is that the messages of love arrive for a man or woman who will receive them with happiness.

The other person will surely feel grateful and their love for you will rise to a level.

So don’t miss out and get to work! Good luck with your attempt!