39 reasons why I love you

Let your partner know why you are by his side with these reflections on love.

We do not always know why we fall in love with someone or why we feel what we feel, but there are reasons that lead us to love someone and to be well by their side.

In this article we suggest some of the reasons why you may love someone , so that you can remind the person you love of the reasons that keep you by their side.


Reasons why i love you

There are many ways to love and each person will have their reasons, but these are some ideas to tell your partner why you love them .

1. I love you because I feel good by your side

One of the reasons why I love you is because by your side I feel happy and when I am with you you make me feel good.

2. I love you because with you I can be myself

With you I can show myself as I am, because you make me feel comfortable and I know that you will accept me for who I am without judging me.

3. I love you because I know I can count on you

One of the reasons I love you is that I know that I can receive your help if I need it and you are by my side even in bad times .

4. I love you because I admire you

I love you and I have great admiration and respect for you and everything you do.

5. I love you because you make me laugh

You are a person with a sense of humor and you make me smile at any moment.

6. I love you because you trust me

Another reason why I love you is because you believe in me and my abilities, and you give me your trust.

7. I love you because with you I am free

With you I do not feel ties and you give me freedom to enjoy my independence.

8. I love you for how you are

You are a wonderful person and I love how you are , inside and out. Do not change.

9. I love you because I can tell you anything

With you I can talk about what I want, we could spend hours talking about any topic and I feel that I can trust you with any secret.

10. I love you because you respect me

That you treat me with respect and consideration is another reason why I love you.

11. I love you because you support me at all times

I feel that you are by my side when facing problems and that you value all my decisions.

12. I love you because I see a future by your side

I can imagine a stable and realistic future by your side , in which we can both achieve our goals side by side.

13. I love you because you make me forget my problems

You make me feel so good that you make problems go away when we are together.

14. I love you because you complement me

We are different in some aspects, but these complement each other perfectly so that we fit perfectly, as if it were a puzzle.

15. I love you because you understand me

I can express anything to you because you are understanding with me and I know that you will understand me.

16. I love you because you care about me

One of the reasons for loving you is because you show interest in me and my well-being.

17. I love you because you appreciate what I do

You like everything I do and you know how to appreciate it.

18. I love you because you know me like nobody else

You know well my way of being, all my gestures and you know what I like how nobody does.

19. I love you because you make me see the good side

You help me to see the bright side of things , to stay positive and not lose hope.

20. I love you because I trust you

I can put my trust in you because I know that you will not fail me.

21. I love you because you are patient with me

You put up with me in both good times and bad times, and you are patient and understanding with me.

22. I love you because we take care of each other

We take care of and respect each other , and we care about protecting and making each other feel good in any situation.

23. I love you because by your side I learn

With you I have discovered new things, but you have also helped me to see life from other perspectives.

24. I love you because by your side I can grow

Being by your side allows me to grow as a person and get the best of myself.

25. I love you because you can surprise me

As much as I know you, you always manage to surprise me, and this is another reason why I love you.

26. I love you because you respect my space

You are able to give me space when I need it and to respect my independence.

27. I love you because by your side I feel protected

By your side I feel safe and I feel that you could protect me from anything.

28. I love you because even in the worst moments you make me smile

You know how to comfort me when I feel bad and you can make me smile when I am at my worst.

29. I love you because you make me feel loved

Either through gestures or words, you show me every day how much you appreciate me and love me.

30. I love you because you try hard for me

Sometimes you are able to put your preferences in the background to give in for me when you think I need it.

31. I love you because I like your imperfections

I love you just the way you are , including all your imperfections that I am able to appreciate.

32. I love you because your kisses are magical

Your kisses awaken very intense feelings in me and make me vibrate.

33. I love you because you are different

Your quirks are another reason why I love you, because they make you be someone unique and special.

34. I love you because you are passionate

You are a person who lives things with intensity and is capable of transmitting that passion for things to me.

35. I love you because we understand each other

We share tastes and opinions and we understand each other perfectly. We work very well together .

36. I love you for what you make me feel

One of the reasons why I love you is that with you I experience unequaled happiness and no one makes me feel like you.

37. I love you because we share goals

We share the same dreams to achieve and we can make plans together.

38. I love you because you make me be a better person

You bring out the best in me at every moment , reinforce my most positive aspects and make me want to be a better person.

39. I love you because you are the first thing I think about in the morning

I always keep you in mind and you are my first thought of the day.