15 Romantic Gestures For Him To Feel Your Love

Are you running out of sweet ideas to show your man how much you love him?

Do not be afraid!

I have fifteen romantic gestures just for him that he’s sure to love.

Whenever we think of romance, most of us put the man in the role of the giver of romantic gestures and the woman in the role of receiver.

In fact, many women think that men are offended by loving and romantic displays of affection and don’t even try to bestow this kind of gesture on their men.

Most of us think our men don’t have a romantic bone in their bodies.

In fact, though, men can be quite sensitive to romantic displays.

There are some guys who genuinely don’t like or appreciate being shown romantic affection, but there are others who love to be courted once in a while.

Even the toughest of men often enjoy feeling loved and adored.

But it’s not always easy to come up with ideas, is it, ladies?

What exactly does romance mean to men?

How sentimental can we get and still get it?

Here are fifteen guaranteed romantic gestures for him that will not only show you how much you care but will NOT make him cringe in embarrassment.

1 . Put A Card In Your Windshield

Find a card that expresses your feelings and leave it for him to find on the windshield before he goes to work.

It will put a smile on his face before he has to face a rough day at the office.

If he doesn’t drive, put a sweet card in his briefcase or coat pocket for him to find later.

He will love it.

2 . Have Lunch Delivered To Him At Work

Does your guy get so busy that he sometimes forgets to eat?

This is very common.

Guys of all ages will be so involved in what they’re doing that they’ll ignore their hunger pangs and keep moving forward with their work.

Do your man a romantic favor and ask a local diner or diner to deliver your work.

3 . Have A Candlelight Dinner

I can’t stress this enough, the way to a man’s heart is really through his stomach.

If you want to show off your romantic skills and at the same time show off your cooking skills, all you have to do is turn off the lights, put on some smooth jazz, and serve him a romantic candlelight dinner.

There are few things more romantic than that.

4 . Read To Him

Men love these soft, special quality moments as much as we do.

It seems that those moments come less and less in today’s hectic world.

Spend a few hours, turn off the television, put his head on your lap, and read him a good book.

He’ll love the soft sound of your voice, and you’ll both love the intimacy of the gesture.

5 . Caress Him In Bed

I noticed that most couples sleep the same way in bed… him hugging her.

I think it’s a pretty natural position, after all, men are instinctively the protectors and women instinctively want to be protected when they’re in a relationship.

Sometimes, though, your man needs you to be strong.

Do him a romantic favor and cuddle him in bed tonight.

Press your chest against his back and wrap your arm around him as he sleeps.

It’s comforting and soft and he’ll love sleeping soundly in your arms.

6 . Leave A Trail Of Rose Petals

Who said roses are just for girls?

One of the best romantic gestures you can do is leave a trail of rose petals from your front door to your bedroom and wait for him when he comes home from a long day at work.

How long have you really not made love?

Even more importantly, how long has it been since you made love in the middle of the day?

7 . Wrap A Gift For Him For No Reason

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like gifts, but most people only get gifts on birthdays or holidays.

Why not surprise him with a random gift at some random time in the middle of the week for no reason at all?

Wrap the box and everything and when he asks, say it’s “just because I love you”.

If he collects comics, give him the latest issue; if he collects trains, pay a quick visit to the hobby shop.

You know what he likes.

8 . Do Something He Always Wanted To Try

We often get into a romantic rut where we do the same thing every weekend and rarely step out of our comfort zone.

Does your man have something, in particular, he’s always wanted to try?

Maybe he’s always wanted to try waterskiing or maybe he’s never played laser tag.

Surprise him with a night out by doing something fun for him!

9 . Send Him A Love Note

I think sending letters is becoming a dying art.

Most people send quick messages or even quick emails.

Do the romantic thing this time and write him a real love letter.

Make him as honest and passionate as you would like.

Write it on nice paper and give it a quick spritz of perfume, then take it to the post office to have it delivered straight to the mailbox.

10 . Prepare His Lunch

Again, it’s very hard to go wrong with the food!

Have you ever heard of bento boxes?

These are cute traditional Japanese breakfasts that have the food cut into shapes and made to look as adorable and creative as possible.

If you have that kind of time and talent then I say make your man a bento box!

If you’re like me and don’t have that kind of talent for eating, put his lunch in a bag and give him a kiss on the cheek as he starts his day.

The idea of ​​you going to the trouble of preparing lunch for him is quite romantic and he will really appreciate the gesture!

11 . Preheat The Car

Some guys are less romantic than others.

Some men really don’t understand when you show them affection in a gentle way.

For these tough guys, you should try a different approach.

This is also the easiest of all the romantic gestures.

All you need to do is preheat the car for him on a cold winter morning.

Most guys do all the preheating, and it’s a shame to get all decked out in your coat and boots, start the car, then come back and take off your coat and boots only to wait another ten minutes.

Save your guy’s energy and warm up the car for him this time.

12 . Take Him For A Picnic

Pack a picnic basket (or bag) of his favorite foods and take him on a romantic picnic.

Believe it or not, I even had a picnic with a guy in the rain, we just ate our food under the gazebo in the park.

It was actually very romantic.

13 . Surprise Him

Want to take your boyfriend out for a nice dinner, but don’t want him to find out where?

Do you want to take him on a special date, but don’t want him to guess while you drive?

A very romantic gesture you can give your man is to blindfold him while driving him to his intended destination.

You can even play twenty questions to see if he can guess where you’re taking him.

14 . Wear Your Favorite Clothes

Often, when we feel comfortable in a relationship, we just stop trying too hard.

We get comfortable in our sweatpants and oversized t-shirts, we stop taking time to do our hair and makeup, and we rarely shave our legs anymore.

Your man has seen all of you, every flaw included.

How long has he not seen what is good?

Every man has a favorite outfit that they like to see on their lady, so clean up, put on your makeup, comb your hair and wear his favorite outfit to please him!

Even if you just wear it around the house so he can see you in it, he’ll love it!

15 . Spray A Handkerchief With Your Exclusive Perfume

If you want to leave him with a little romantic memento of a wonderful night together, spray a cute short scarf or clean cloth handkerchief with your signature scent and leave it in his car for him to find.

When he smells you, he’ll think of you and your special night together.


It’s not hard to be romantic and show your love to your man.