9 Signs You’re a Woman Who Worries Too Much About Everything

If I could have degrees in concern, I would already have a master’s and doctorate.

I am an expert in worry; I worry when I’m out of coffee, and I worry when I drink too much coffee.

There are a plethora of things you could be worried about!

Bills, work, household chores, deadlines, friendships, relationships, family, your career, the weather, what you’re doing in the new year, who Leonardo DiCaprio is marrying or if you’ll be alive in 2030. me, so we both need to relax.

Not sure if you fit the extreme concern profile?

Take a look and see if any of these telltale signs resonate with you.

1. You start crying at least twice a day.

Sometimes this happens in your car while you are stuck in traffic and all the radio stations are playing bad music.

Or you’re in the break room at work.

The worst is when you’re in your own bed and you can’t sleep because you’re EXTREMELY worried.

I’ve been like that, I’ve been through it.

Take a deep breath, relax, and think of the sea or lemon cupcakes.

You will get through the day and the next one will be much better.

2. Your Friends Can No Longer Hide How Annoyed They Are With Your Neurosis.

I know that when I’m worried, I just want to tell everyone everything, like the world is my therapist.

I’ve learned that this is not a good idea, because no matter how awesome your friends are, they don’t want to hear you constantly freaking out about your life and theirs.

Also, they are not trained and can give you bad advice.

Find a therapist your insurance covers and shed your tears for her.

3. You’re Eating Your Feelings Or Realize You’ve Skipped Meals.

I’ve had days where I look down at my lap and notice I’ve eaten an entire pack of Oreos.

I also had days that were so crazy that by the time I actually had time to eat food, the sun was gone and my stomach was emptier than Lord Voldemort.

Both scenarios are unhealthy and if you’re struggling with the scales, you could fall prey to stress and worry.

If your life is hectic, make sure you have easy snacks like granola bars on hand.

Fill your fridge with healthy foods so you don’t come home with a bag full of McDonald’s snacks.

4. You Play Everything In Your Head 30 Times.

After an important conversation with my boss, I tend to wonder if I said the right thing.

I wonder all day and it turns into a terrible obsession that I can’t let go of until I have a few drinks or my fiancé tells me I need to move on with my life.

It is true.

You can’t go back and change things, but you also need to have faith in yourself.

5. You Check Your Email or Phone More Than Ten Times A Day.

Whether you’re waiting for a response to an invite, a message from a guy you like, or an acceptance letter from a magazine or college, you need to step away from the screen and be patient.

All good things take time.

There’s no point in worrying about everything and you don’t want things to happen simply by refreshing the screen.

6. Your Blood Pressure Is So High That A Doctor Can See From A Kilometer Away.

When you go to the doctor, pay attention to your vital signs.

If you are worrying too much, your body will show it.

Headaches, stomachaches, and ulcers are just some of the side effects of ultra worrying.

Counter this with yoga or brisk walks.

Exercise is one of the best ways to relax and treat your body to some endorphins.

7. You haven’t read or watched anything fun in months.

During the school year, my reading list is strictly my resume, so I never have time to read all my useless magazines or my favorite book collection.

In fact, I’m so preoccupied with finishing all my academic reading that I don’t even have time to catch up on the latest season of my favorite show.

I’m not saying that you should drop all your obligations and have a Netflix binge, but you do need to set aside some time for distractions.

8. You Assume the Worst.

You constantly say things like, “This sucks!” Or “This  would  happen to me!”?

Hey, I understand.

Life sucks sometimes and there are weeks that feel like the absolute end of the world.

But it is not.

Life goes on, and it’s up to you to make the best of it.

This is totally cheesy, I know, but if things aren’t going your way, then have them go your way.

9. It’s been so long since you’ve had a full night’s sleep that it feels like someone punched you in the face.

Do you have dark circles under your eyes because you spend all night worrying?

You stop counting sheep with, “Damn, did I return that library book?

Did I forget to call my grandma again?

What if she dies tomorrow?

Did I email this person?

What if my email didn’t make it to the inbox?” Is it like a vicious accumulation of everything that could go wrong and it’s not letting you sleep?

If this is you, you need to take a break.

Stand up.

Drink a glass of water.

Read a book that is kind of boring and try to sleep again.

Here’s the last piece of advice I’ll give you: If you feel particularly stressed, give yourself ten minutes to freak out.

Call a friend, write down all your worries, blog about it, whatever.

And after the timer goes off, you go there and finish all the tasks.

You will face your fears and conquer them like the warrior you are.