21 Must-Have Relationship Advice For Women

Love is neither complicated nor painful.

In fact, love takes no effort at all… if you, of course, follow these 21 must-have relationship tips and advice for women.

Are you struggling in love?

You end up getting frustrated with the man you’re with and you end up breaking up with him, are you worried because it looks like this man isn’t as into you as he used to be?

Funny, isn’t it?

Women want the perfect romance.

Men want perfect romance.

Yet somehow most men and women seem not to be happy when they come together to create romance.

It all starts out perfectly fine, the way poets write a fairy tale.

It’s all bliss and romance for a good year or two, until… at some point, things start to change.

That perfect romance you’ve conquered simply evaporates, right in front of your eyes.

Have you been through this?

Well, it’s never too late to change the stars of your romance and bring love and happiness back into your life.

Must-Have Relationship Advice For Women.

If you’re still on first dates with a potential boyfriend, well, you’re not in a committed relationship yet.

That’s why it’s best to take a look at the must-have advice for women who are at this stage of starting a serious relationship on the right foot.

Now, if you’re in a serious relationship right now, keep reading, because this must-have relationship advice will help you a lot, and it can literally change your life for the better.

A Great Relationship Advice Every Woman Needs To Know.

Many women say they try everything but can’t make any relationship work.

Others say they had no idea and didn’t know how to respond when the relationship started to go down the drain.

In reality, all women know what they need to fix a relationship all the time!

It happens that women relax and leave everything for later, they end up thinking that the effort is simply not worth it or they are too proud to give in.

So if you really want to make your relationship work, keep one big piece of advice in mind: trust your instincts.

It’s that simple.

If you feel that something is wrong, it is very likely that something is wrong.

Know how to communicate and make the effort.

Sometimes the relationship can be a failure because your man is a bad person.

But almost always, the relationship stalls because you and your loved one have started having a relationship for granted.

21 Relationship Tips For A Better Love Life.

If you’re looking for relationship advice for women, keep these 21 tips in mind.

They will help you to have better relationships and consequently a satisfying love life.

1. Play With Him.

Playing is one of the things that keeps a relationship happy and strong more than anything else.

Just because you’ve grown up and aren’t a kid anymore doesn’t mean you should act like a mature adult person all the time!

2. Men Are Easily Influenced By Other Men.

If his friends and other guys think you’re a good catch, he’ll love you more and avoid creating distance from you.

3. Not All Men Understand The Art Of Chivalry, Romantic Gestures, And Romance.

Instead of giving up on him, show him the way by setting an example, and he’ll learn to treat you with respect.

4. Listen to him.

Listen to him before creating a negative argument and wanting to appear superior to him.

This is the easiest way to prevent a serious fight.

Also, don’t be condescending.

5. You can’t change a person who doesn’t want to change.

Help your man understand you better and help him learn what you want.

However, if he doesn’t want to change for you, he doesn’t respect you or cares about you, maybe you need someone else who can love you for who you are.

6. Don’t Keep Reminding Him Of His Past Failures.

Men are very sensitive when it comes to past mistakes.

He’ll protect himself like a threatened turtle if you use his past failures to make him accept defeat and listen to you.

7. Don’t Blame Yourself.

Yes, you are absolutely convinced that men should have the natural ability to read women’s minds, but the reality is that they cannot do that.

So openly talk about your concerns and feelings and he will listen to what you have to say.

  1. No man likes a woman who loves drama…

…especially if she’s looking for ways to complicate the relationship.

10. Being Silent Doesn’t Work.

Ignoring your boyfriend and not saying anything when he hurts you might seem like the best way to teach him a lesson.

But truth be told, being silent won’t stop him from hurting you, it’ll only make him better at the art of lying.


There are no winners or losers between partners.

Both will win and both will lose together.

Therefore, any problem has to be resolved or overcome to improve the relationship, not to earn points.

12. Men Think They Hate Overly Demanding Women.

However, this is exactly the kind of woman they secretly desire.

13. Love Is A Complex Mixture Of Physical Attraction And Emotional Bonds For Men.

Make a man realize that he needs you emotionally.

14. Love Is Full Of Layers.

It takes time to start loving and experiencing the relationship one step at a time.

Rushing things or starting to move in together too soon can make him think twice about this relationship with you before he even really starts to love you.

15. Don’t Relax In A Long-Term Relationship.

Physical attraction plays one of the most important roles in a happy romance.

Practice physical activities AND look your best physically if you want to see your man wanting you more and more, more than he wants any other woman.

16. Insecurities.

Don’t let your insecurities get the best of you.

Sensuality is on your mind and how you project yourself to the world.

17. Praise Him For His Achievements, Even If It’s A Small Achievement.

He will try hard, but only to get your approval.

18. Don’t push the bar to please your man if your gestures aren’t reciprocated.

He will take you and dating for granted.

Instead, make him realize just how lucky he is to have you.

Most men think they’ve conquered their women and don’t need to do anything else, instead of realizing how lucky they are.

19. Man Needs His Space, Even When He Doesn’t Ask For It.

As long as he’s alone or with his friends, you don’t have to worry about a thing.

In fact, it will help the two of you to love each other better.

20. Never Use Sarcasm When The Matter Is Serious, Especially In Public To Embarrass Him.

If he feels emotionally abused, he will stop talking to you.

21. Be “His Backbone”.

It doesn’t matter if he shows an image of a strong, tough man on the outside, he will always have that childish side that needs a woman’s love to give him emotional strength.


Use these 21 must-have relationship advice for women and you’ll be able to create a better romance for you and your man.

After all, having a perfect romance doesn’t have to be as difficult as most people think.

You’ve had success with some of these tips, do you have any other effective advice to share with further reading?

Share in the comments below.