16 Tips to Attract a Good Man

Finding and winning the heart of a good guy is difficult for all women, but there is a specific type of woman who attracts the wrong type of man every time.

She’s the type who usually finds herself crying her eyes out after trusting yet another ….

If you’re constantly telling your friends and family that you’re single because you don’t have a good man, it’s time to reevaluate why this situation is.

Of course, it’s easier to blame the opposite gender. It’s easy to say that men are incapable of dating, but it’s usually your own behavior that lands you in the arms of one immature scoundrel after another.

It’s also easy to think that you’re perfect and just a victim of life’s circumstances, but you need to be aware of whether you attract what you convey.

Relationships would have a higher success rate if women understood this law of attraction.

Furthermore, it is not uncommon for women to don’t want freeloaders, but they completely ignore the guys who would make great husbands. Only later in life do these women come to the conclusion that they need the “good guys” because the “bad boys” are no longer interested.

You won’t be able to change your environment and the idiots that surround you. However, you have the ability to change your behavior, your choices, and the way you react and interact.

From these 16 tips below, start over from scratch with an open heart to finally win the man of your life, the one you’ve been looking for your whole life.

1. Don’t Play Games.

You act like you’re not interested in him, but then you get mad because he didn’t call. Men cannot read minds.

If you want a good guy on your side, you have to let him know.

  • Did he take a long time to reply to your message? Don’t try to take longer than him. Reply as soon as you can.
  • Does he have friends who make you jealous? Don’t make new male friends just to tease him.

2. Give a man a real chance instead of treating him like one of your many options

Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder … today we have unlimited access to see a plethora of available men. However, if you want a serious relationship to develop, turn off those options and focus on one man at a time.

  • Don’t be afraid to miss the other men you were talking to.
  • Once you’ve chosen the guy you think is the best for you, just focus on him.

3. Don’t Post Provocative Photos

In fact, one study showed that people who post too provocative photos are seen as unattractive and less intelligent.

If you were in a love relationship, these images would only be shared in an intimate conversation with your man.

Tips for attracting good guys on social media:

  • Events that show you enjoy the family lifestyle, such as birthdays, weddings, Christmas, and the whole family getting together at the ranch
  • Photos of your work, your product or service, showing how much you love your profession
  • Post phrases that make your followers think
  • Cover of the book you are reading
  • the people you love
  • Your dog or other pets

What drives good guys away:

  • A profile loaded with photos of you at the club
  • Too many bikini photos (it’s okay to post some)

4. Have More Self Respect

If you don’t respect yourself, how do you expect a man to respect you?

Any man worth dating will value a woman who knows her worth and won’t settle for anything less than the best.

Don’t lower your demands just because you can’t find the man of your dreams right now. Remember this epic answer:

A friend comments: “You are very demanding. It will end up being for auntie”.

And he hears the answer of a woman who values ​​herself: “You are content with little. It will end in divorce.”

5. Tell Him How You Feel, Not What You Think He Wants to Hear

You tell him “Oh, I don’t want to date”. And you’re actually thinking, “I need to know how long it’s going to take for him to take over our relationship.”

If you tell a man you don’t want anything serious, he’ll believe your every word.

That doesn’t mean you should let go of your dream wedding on the first date.

However, this does mean that you must see how things naturally evolve before deciding on the direction of the relationship.

The only way to make a relationship work is when the two of you are on the same wavelength.

6. Be Vulnerable

It’s okay to admit to a man that you’ve been hurt in the past.

If that scares him, then he wasn’t the one for you.

A good guy values ​​his feelings because he wants to bring his true feelings closer to yours.

7. Don’t Start Competing With Him

If he went out with his friends, do you have to go out too? If he took a while to reply to your message, do you wait longer than he does to reply to his?

A relationship will never work if you treat dating like an ego-influenced chess game.

If you really want to be in a sincere, important, and purposeful relationship, then it’s important to be an open and honest woman without trying to compete with your man.

8. Respect Him and His Time

Don’t make plans and cancel at the last minute. He went out of his way to plan and ask you out, so stick to the script.

Unless you have a real emergency, you should always go out of your way for the man who goes out of your way for you.

These are the men you’ll want to date, not men who make you beg for his attention.

9. He Doesn’t Deserve To Be Punished For The Mistakes Of Men Who Came Before Him

Most people have been hurt in the past, but carrying negative emotions and pouring them into your new relationship can simply sabotage it.

For example, if your ex-boyfriend cheated on you and you start projecting your trust issues onto your new boyfriend because of that, you’ll just push him away.

Snooping on his cell phone when he’s not looking, getting angry when he doesn’t call or respond to your texts right away, or assuming he’s going to dinner with a woman when he’s said he’s having dinner with a friend are all ways to set the relationship up for failure. .

10. Be Honest About Yourself

Embrace your individuality instead of trying to change to meet the expectations of a guy you just met.

A good man will love the person you truly are and not the carefully constructed version of yourself you try to represent to him.

If you lie about yourself to make yourself more desirable, remember that lying is short-legged and the truth always finds a way to come out.

11. If You Ask Him Out With You, Make Him Feel Comfortable

If you have a company party to go to and you invite the good guy to come with you, be sure to act as you want him there.

No doubt he’s a mature guy and will leave you alone for a while to interact with others, but it’s important to make him feel welcome. Taking a man to a party only to ignore him for the entire party is a quick way to lose a good guy.

  • No matter what he can do for you, treat him right.
  • Offer food.
  • Introduce him to your acquaintances.
  • Compliment his behavior. “You were great at the party. Everyone loved you.”

12. Have Compassion

Being nice is key. If your new boyfriend is having a rough day, show her all your support instead of acting disinterested.

We often forget about the little things like listening to each other’s problems or giving emotional support. These things can make the biggest difference.

13. Make New Memories Together With Your New Boyfriend Instead Of Bringing Up Old Memories With Your Ex-Boyfriends.

Yes, every woman has had unforgettable boyfriends, which makes you have both good and bad memories, but bringing those memories into a new relationship will only make him feel uncomfortable.

If you keep talking about your ex-boyfriends, it will seem like you’re not leaving room for the good guy in your life.

That way, chances are he won’t stay with you for long.

14. Have Your Own Life

Having your own life is an incredibly attractive quality that makes good guys melt for you.

Only an insecure man will want a woman who doesn’t have goals, plans, and a busy life so she becomes dependent on him.

On the other hand, the best men love a woman who is autonomous and who is happy with her life, single or not.

15. Be Self-Confident

If you are a feminine and self-confident woman, no man is able to walk over you.

Any misogynist scoundrel who shows up will be intimidated by your self-confidence.

Good men are the opposite. They admire female self-confidence and are attracted to a confident woman.

The confident woman:

  • Make fun of your own flaws
  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone
  • Refuse the image of the perfect woman
  • Likes to spend time alone
  • control your feelings
  • Don’t engage in gossip

16. Don’t Be Desperate

Desperation and feeling that you need a man urgently to fill your life usually lead you to take up a relationship with the first Facebook colleague you see on the street.

If you have low self-esteem, focus on the causes, make an effort to improve, and be patient because it can take some time.

Stay focused on your goals and explore your passions. Do things outside of your comfort zone. Expand your network of friends, so your boyfriend won’t be the only person you share your life with.