10 romantic ideas to make your boyfriend always excited

While one is teeming with romantic ideas, the other presents nothing. And not everyone has the same sense of romance! Imagine someone, just getting to know you, in public, making the declaration of love of their life for you. The pressure increases enormously when you have to repay that confession of love in front of the assembled team. What one thinks is a successful idea, the other perceives as pure horror.

Romance requires tact and a sure instinct. And you can learn it. Don’t you have the necessary creativity? We can remedy this. Let’s give you some inspiration on how you can conjure up a genuine romantic surprise for your potential girlfriend or boyfriend with praise and thus further the process of getting to know each other.

Extra tip:  The suggestions listed below are also ideal for couples to keep the fire burning in their relationship.

1. Bring little romantic ideas into everyday life

Step away from Hollywood-style productions. Abundant tackiness is a deterrent, especially in the courtship phase. According to our study, the romantic mood of women begins in the first moments of their “ordinary” daily life. It’s the small gestures that make the heart beat faster, especially as you get to know each other. 

Small attentions show appreciation and therefore guarantees romance. Ask yourself: what does the other least expect now? For example, stand in front of her and grab a cappuccino and her favorite pastries from the nearby bakery and take her small breakfast to bed. Or surprise each other with love letters on your coat, jacket, or bag.

2. Surprise with spontaneous activities

A third of women love surprises. It doesn’t have to be a hot air balloon ride or a spontaneous trip to Paris. Don’t go beyond the scope, but keep the right amount of romantic ideas when it comes to the question “Where to go on the first date?” Being taken to a romantic place on a car ride, for example, is appealing. But it could also just be a spontaneous walk to the next coffee shop. The thought in connection with the romantic idea counts for two.

3. Dare to be more sensual

Create sensual moments on your own four walls. Think, for example, of a freshly made bubble bath by candlelight. This harmonious and intimate idea is welcomed by 100% of women. But for men too, the bathtub can be a rewarding change after a stressful day.

4. Indulge in culinary delights

It is well known that love passes through the stomach, and food also has a highly sensual factor. A self-prepared menu can be an extremely romantic surprise for a potential girlfriend or boyfriend. A homemade cake also serves its purpose. Cook each other’s favorite food or dare a menu you wouldn’t prepare every day. Here you can unleash your ingenuity to organize a romantic evening.

5. Create a romantic night on the couch

Especially on rainy days, there’s hardly anything more comfortable than curling up on the couch under the blanket. A love movie can end a romantic night for two on the couch. Men beware:  you will become a true hero if you watch a romance movie on your third date with her that is definitely not on your favorites list. Women appreciate this and will make sure you have a fun night out.

6. Let the flowers speak

Flowers always have symbolic value and serve as sensual accessories in many romantic ideas. But don’t wait until your next birthday. Signal that a normal day with your potential partner can also be a special occasion. It doesn’t have to be fifty red roses. The loved one’s favorite flower is enough to send a romantic signal.

7. Get creative with your romantic idea

Don’t worry! Now, you don’t need to take singing or writing lessons to turn your romantic thoughts into art. Read a book when the situation presents itself, such as a paddleboat ride on a lake. Music enthusiasts can create playlists of songs that others will love to listen to. When making your selection, however, make sure there is calming, relaxing music that guarantees a romantic evening for two.

8. Try a massage

Everyone wants to be touched. Therefore, massages are among the particularly romantic ideas. In addition to the healing effect, they can also have a sensual component. Find out more about relaxing or stimulating oils you can use while doing this. Music and candlelight complete this wellness experience. There are also professional studios that offer massages for two as a wellness package. Allowing yourself to be pampered by other people can also be quite romantic.

9. Make small compliments between

Once the first phase of being in love is over, the proactive broadcast of thanks quickly falls under the table. Small compliments and thoughtful words are even more of a romantic surprise for your potential girlfriend or boyfriend. 

The banaler the situation, the faster you can conjure a smile on the other person’s face. An SMS or WhatsApp voice message from the office or an honest compliment about household chores already serves a great purpose. However, be careful not to overuse intelligence services, otherwise, your romantic ideas, especially during the process of getting to know each other, can quickly become intrusive and irritating.

10. Organize a picnic in the living room

These are often crazy actions that you can use to cause a romantic surprise. Have you ever had a picnic in the living room? Why not? You don’t always have to wait for the appropriate time of year or day. Combine your activities differently. This is how you impress your potential partner with unusual surprises.

Conclusion: Include romantic ideas from the start

Don’t hesitate when it comes to implementing romantic date ideas. Nobody gets tired of magical moments that make the heart beat faster. So show your counterpart on the first date how much you love the other person. Keep this form of love confession later on in everyday relationships. But make sure you use the right amount so that your efforts are well received. This is the only way to really enjoy romantic ideas for two.