A fresh start after separation – with these tips, you will be able to

No turning back. The line has been drawn. Only the best smartphone photos are still there. Not to mention the images in my head. Yesterday it was still part of a “we”, today this person is alone in front of the mirror and asks himself: Who am I? Will I ever start over after this separation? It means saying goodbye: to a common future, to certainties, habits, and family contacts. What is coming is uncertain.

One thing is for sure: it will be a fresh start after the breakup. Even if a fresh start seems impossible at first – you will also be happy again after the breakup. Read here the advantages and useful tips that will help you.

Top 10 tips for starting over after a breakup

It takes time to deal with love and the associated passion. Sometimes just three weeks, sometimes three and a half years. At some point, however, the time will come: start over, and reorganize life after separation. When you slowly realize that there are opportunities in this. Because suddenly being single again has positive things in store for you. After all, that’s why you’ve been fighting for so long, right? Thanks to these ten advantages, you can look to the future with optimism:

1. More time to be happy after separation

Rather than letting yourself be dragged to sad parties or tormenting yourself on vacation with your in-laws when you start over after the breakup, it’s my decision. Endless series, too lazy, or just things I like – for a long time – my time, my thing.

Tip:   Make a list of five things you never had enough time for in your relationship. Take the time to do this now.

2. Flirt with no regrets

Flirting with other people? But now it’s time to make eye contact again. The attractive neighbor gets a beaming smile and the stranger at the party takes his number. You came back! You can now flirt properly again.

Tip:   Aim to smile at someone you find attractive at least once a week.

3. No mandatory commitments

You hate shopping, but your ex-partner has racked up 57 loyalty cards? Past! You never have to praise the hideous lampshade’s “unusual design” and you can avoid the place with the arrogant waiters. Goodbye, boring appointments!

Tip:   Remove everything you bought just for his sake. This is how you can forget about your ex. Toast your independence with yourself.

4. Enjoy the freedom for a successful new start after separation

Spontaneous two-week vacation on the coast? Reserved. Finally meeting old friends more often – not just distant acquaintances. Her new life after the breakup offers many opportunities to enjoy her freedom.

Tip:   Read books by people who have broken free from relationships that were no longer good for them.

5. Be spontaneous

Normal in relationships: coordinating appointments, planning weekends, preparing celebrations. Now, only your calendar counts. Whether it’s a lot of action or a lot of rest – decide for yourself about your fresh start after the breakup. Now you have more time to be spontaneous again.

Tip:   Allow yourself to do the things you feel like doing right now. Don’t think about it too much.

6. Happy After Breakup: Reflect

With a little distance, it’s usually clear what was wrong. Whether it was his irritating neatness habit or his habit of constantly interrupting the word. Look back – relentlessly and unadorned. That way, you’re effectively contributing to reorganizing your life after the breakup.

Tip:   Write down what bothered you most about your ex. Make it clear to yourself: you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

7. Set priorities for a successful new start after separation

Be honest with yourself and ask yourself: What do I need in a relationship? Where are my limits? What can’t I do without?

Tip:   Talk to good friends about what’s really important to you in a relationship. Hear how much of that was missing from the relationship with the ex.

8. Test new perspectives

See the new beginning after the breakup as an opportunity to see your own life with completely new eyes. The question “Why am I single?” To realize that you are no longer “the attachment to”, but that you only belong to yourself. Test the old habits: if not now, when?

Tip:   go to work a different route than she usually does. She trains her eyes to the unknown and her head to new paths.

9. New Life After Separation, New Motto: Be Grateful

It’s not an easy exercise, especially if you broke up with your ex-partner in a relationship crisis, but still: try to be grateful for the time you’ve spent together. Not everything will be bad. Don’t be angry about the past, you can’t change it anyway.

Tip:   Write down on a piece of paper what you are grateful to your ex. Then put the note in a box in the attic and forget about it.

10. Make plans

Look forward. Make big plans for your new life after the breakup. Happy to exaggerate! It’s your life and you deserve the best.

Tip:   Tell your friends about your plans, and look for accomplices. Accept a project and set a deadline for it.

A fresh start after separation is an opportunity

A happy life after separation is possible. What helps: a lot of time. So you can process the breakup and leave everything behind. And find friends, do something nice for yourself, in short: enjoy the new freedom. The more time passes, the easier it is for you to look back and see what you really need in a relationship. Those who are still grateful for the good times are on the way to a fresh start after the breakup. So it becomes clear at the latest: every end has a beginning and every separation a chance for a new one.