7 Tips for a perfect date

Shy boys in particular are extremely nervous before meeting a woman. No wonder: we guys are born perfectionists and we want to do everything right to leave an impeccable impression.

But do not worry! My 7 dating tips for men will help you deal with the difficult situation. I’ll tell you the best places, topics to talk about, and much more to make it an unforgettable experience.

The woman will definitely find you attractive – and want to see you again on the second or third date!

How shy men experience dating

The woman agreed to a date – actually a reason to be happy, right? But just thinking about the date makes your stomach churn and sweat bead on your forehead.

Now you are desperately looking for dating tips from friends or the Internet because you have thousands of fears in your head:

  • What if she doesn’t find me attractive when I see her in person?
  • Out of sheer nervousness, I will act like a clumsy idiot who knocks over his beer glass…
  • What are the best places to go with her?
  • Hopefully, there won’t be that awkward silence…
  • How can I inspire them in conversation and create closeness?
  • Will she want to see me again in the end?
  • How do I kiss her on a date without getting a rejection?

I can say from experience: calm blood, young warrior! With a little preparation and a little self-confidence, your meeting can be a success.

7 dating tips for men

So, straight to the point: what exactly can you do to make your date a success? In an article I’ve already written, you get the most important help for a  perfect first date.

I also have other dating tips for men here:

1. Meeting Places: Create a great atmosphere!

I always tell men I train one thing: never go to the movies with a woman on the first date! After all, you want to get to know yourself better and not stare at the screen for two hours.

Cozy cafes and bars are classic. You never do anything wrong with this, because in bars you can chat in a relaxed atmosphere. The meeting can also be quickly ended at any time if the chemistry isn’t right.

Is it all too boring? If you’re looking for ideas that are a little more unusual, my special dating tips in these places will help you out.

But don’t plan too much: if you organize a big program for yourself with a helicopter flight and a candlelit dinner on Mount Everest, the woman will have the feeling that she owes you something for it.

Plus, you don’t even know the lady at first, and you don’t know if she’s worth the effort.

2. Hug the woman in greeting!

If possible, do not wait at the venue (such as a cafe or restaurant), but pick up the girl at the bus or train stop.

If you follow this dating tip, you’ll come across as a caring man – and women are looking for a partner with a strong protective instinct!

To greet them, you must hug them so that you can establish physical contact right from the start. This gives your counterpart the opportunity to get used to your touch right away.

Plus, you can now start small talk and ask her if she found her way here so you don’t leave any awkward pauses in the conversation on the date.

3. Compliments instead of flowers and gifts!

Sometimes men also ask me: should I bring flowers as a greeting?

I answer as a dating tip: No, even though she shouldn’t be allergic, colorful bouquets have no place on your date!

This gesture looks very submissive on the first date and can be interpreted in such a way that you want to buy your love with gifts – as a kind of “exchange”.

Instead, you should quickly compliment her on her style when she’s well-groomed. Women spend hours in front of the mirror to make themselves beautiful for us men. Thank you for this commitment!

But you should always give an individual compliment related to the situation.

4. Avoid situations like job interviews!

I used to see dating as a real horror. I sat across from the woman in the cafe, at the very large table, and we peppered each other with boring questions.

The atmosphere was like a bank interview – and it was just as terrible.

My secret dating tip for all men is, therefore:

It’s best to sit next to the woman on a couch or bench in the restaurant so that you can immediately establish physical closeness and more easily kiss her later.

It’s best to find a bar with these seats when planning.

5. Dating tip: conversation topics that inspire you!

Of course, you should ask interesting questions to get to know each other and bring up the right topics of conversation on the date.

In addition, you should talk about matters of personal interest to you.

It does no good for you, as a man, to philosophize about skydiving and cute cats to impress women, even if you have nothing to do with these things.

So talk about  YOUR  hobbies, passions, and values ​​to find common ground with your counterpart.

This creates deep confidence because the woman will think with a smile on her face:  “Crazy, this guy hits just like me… He is a real dream man!”

6. Incorporate ringtone into your conversation!

Ideally, you have established physical closeness by being greeted with a warm hug (see above).

On a date, you can then intensify the touching more and more, for example, first touching the woman’s shoulder or arm and then taking her hand.

But how can you hold hands without worrying about these advances?

My dating tip for men: Don’t be pushy, make it fun! For example, challenge her to a wrestling match or explain that you’ve mastered palmistry and want to predict her future.

Women love magical things like that, like reading cards or horoscopes (even if they’d never admit it).

Once you’ve created an intimate moment through body contact, look her in the eye. When she returns your gaze long enough, she’s ready for her first kiss!

7. Elegantly invite the woman to your home

Ideally, you’ve cleaned and arranged your apartment in advance and provided good drinks and snacks.

Encouragingly invite the woman into your home by picking up a topic from your conversations.

For example, did you discover that you both like a certain type of movie or series? Then ask her:

“Hey, I still have that movie with Tom Hanks at home, a real classic! You don’t know him, we have to look into this together! 

The perfect excuse for her to walk home with you!

Therefore you could enjoy your time, on your cozy sofa at home and get closer without being disturbed.