How can I become interesting in the 3 stages of dating?

How can I make myself interesting while dating? “If you want to be considered, make yourself rare”! That motto has long since become obsolete. We found out what men want in one of our surveys. In over a third of respondents, interest was piqued when the woman repeatedly sought physical contact and touched her as if by chance.

But what should be considered before meeting in person? How can I make myself interesting to him as I write? We clarify all doubts and give the appropriate recommendations and strategies, from the search for online partners to the dating phase.

How do I become interesting at first during the exchange of messages?

At the digital level, when looking for a partner on the Internet, it is more difficult for many to become interesting. How exactly to express something? Does my sense of humor resonate with others too? How quickly should I respond and are spelling mistakes bad? Get rid of all insecurities, because that’s not the point. If you are wondering how to make yourself interesting for a man, we have the following suggestions for you.

1. Take the initiative

To be able to draw attention to yourself, there must first be contacted. Don’t wait for the other person to contact you, dare to write to men. This is bold, speaks for a lot of self-confidence, and makes you not only good-looking but also quite attractive.

2. Personal reference

“Hello, I think your profile is beautiful, I especially like it…” – the first step doesn’t have to be big and you enter into a conversation. See special and exceptional profile information. So you immediately have a topic on which you can exchange ideas, and your counterpart is curious: Why do you also know about a certain hobby? Where does the knowledge about one of your interests, etc. come from?

3. Get to know each other quickly

You’re friendly, and you’re already curious about your chat and wondering, “How do I make myself more interesting?” – I suggest that we meet in person, and set a day and where you want to go on the first date. This will give you more bonus points, show initiative and your nomination will hardly lose incentive.

How can I make myself interesting on the first date?

The time has finally come, the day has come and you will see this for the first time. You are not only concerned with the question: “What should I wear?”, But also: “How can I become interesting for him?” We will also talk about this phase.

1. Be interested

How can I make myself interesting on the first date? – Conveying first my serious intentions to my partner. If you show disinterest in your partner, it will stifle his interest very quickly. Convey curiosity about your work and be enthusiastic about hobbies. A positive side effect: the conversation continues and doesn’t uncomfortably stop.

2. Have your own opinion

There’s nothing more boring to you than someone who says yes and amen to everything. Why should it be the other way around? If you want to make yourself interesting, stick to your opinion too – or rather, above all – if you present an opposing opinion. Explain why you see things differently or why you want to contradict some points. Different points of view stimulate every exchange and a person who can contradict is self-confident and exciting. Make sure, however, that you don’t get emotional and that this degenerates into an irrelevant discussion.

3. Feel good

The first time you meet, it may happen that you feel a little uncomfortable. This need not be due to the dating partner, but perhaps simply the general situation. You are very excited, not knowing what to say or do. If you’re comfortable and attractive in your own skin, that’s one of the most irresistible things there is. Your body language shouldn’t appear closed off or shy. Be authentic and pay attention to a self-confident demeanor and clothing that you feel comfortable in.

4. How can I make myself interesting to him? – show attraction

Whether shy or self-confident, a smile goes down well with 27% of men, as our study showed with regard to different flirting signals. There is only one thing they like best, as anticipated at the beginning: body contact. With a small gesture, like placing your hand on his forearm or shoulder, you can move closer to him and appear more interesting. Don’t forget to maintain deep eye contact and get to your goal, of making the man in love,   already one step closer.

Our extra tip:

There are some topics called taboo for the first personal encounter – and therefore also for the question: How can I become interesting? Of course, you can bring up sensitive and private topics if they’re important to you from the start, but it’s generally easier to deal with the following aspects later:

  • former partner
  • policy
  • religion
  • Health
  • finance

How can I make myself more interesting during the process of getting to know myself?

The signs after the first date were good, and the second and third dates brought the two of you closer together. You are now in the midst of an intensive phase of getting to know each other. You know how men show interest, so you know he thinks you’re great. However, since this is mutual, you want to continue to be interesting to him. That’s how it’s done.

1. Be honest

Are you still wondering: how can I become interesting? – Try not to play. Do not convey the wrong image or intention, or create false hopes. At this point, you should be clear about what you want, like, and expect.

2. Don’t chase

You’re not in an exclusive relationship yet, and you both might not be ready to take the next step toward something solid. So if he doesn’t respond right away to a message from you, be patient and give him time. If you insist on an answer, you are crushing your date emotionally. Those who are caught by surprise break off contact quickly. And let’s be honest: the one who chases all the time isn’t the most attractive person either, is he? So take it easy because that might make you more interesting.

3. Discover similarities

How nice it is to pursue hobbies together at the same time! You show him what he’s still not good at and vice versa. Enjoy what you have in common and also have fun discovering new things. It’s not just your skills that make you interesting, but also how you handle completely new experiences. Do you like little adventures? Great! If the question: “How can I become interesting?” It blows your mind – that’s a clear answer!

4. Show stimuli with different facets

Those who spend a lot of time together always discover new sides of each other. Exciting and interesting facets. Over time, for example, he will get to know and appreciate your humor more and more. And if you have a lot of conversations at eye level, then your opinion becomes more and more important and you become interesting.

Bottom Line: Being Desirable Means Staying True to Yourself

If you want to make someone else attached to you, you must follow some rules and tips. But the most important thing is: to be authentic. Because only those who don’t pretend and are who they are can exert an honest attraction on their fellow men. Anyone who wears a mask and pretends to be seen very quickly and interest fades. The question: “How do I become interesting?” – must therefore always be answered honestly.