Want to know how to get over someone who seems perfect to you?

How to forget someone you believe is perfect for you?

How to leave behind good times, and let go of the huge illusion you created?

Yes, you thought the post would be about rubbing your head, but no, it’s more of a slap to wake you up to life and also to the good things you’ve been missing…

All because of attachment and resistance to letting go of what no longer serves you.

Well, let’s go…

There is a difference between what you “think” is perfect for you and between actually being…

Let’s take an example:

You found a person who apparently has everything to do with you, you even got along well, and there was good chemistry, but it was full of fights …

Or else, you were very jealous…

That is, the feeling that that person caused you was anguish, sadness, fear, and in short, feelings of low vibration, which were not good for you.

Even though it’s everything you wanted… See the difference?

We have to learn to differentiate what is ego from what is really good for us.

Often the person who brings you a good feeling, of peace, and joy, is not part of your perfect match list…

You know that list you make at 12 years old?

You have to have straight, blonde hair, blue eyes, be beautiful, friendly, funny, tell me I love you 24 hours a day, and so on…

Guys, there is no such thing!

Let’s learn to prioritize the feeling that the person brings you.

And there it is. You must be wondering, how to forget someone who, even though doesn’t bring a good feeling, is on the perfection list.


Do you know how to let go? Drop it? Stop poking fun at the person’s social media, stop wanting to know… and trust life more.

Surely, something better will come, it’s always like that!

While you’re trapped in that angst and fear of not getting anyone better, you really aren’t going to…

But try sending everything to that place so you can see how a divine magic boy doesn’t appear for you…