I called him, and he didn’t answer me, what do I do?

Did he not answer you? 

Ok, you broke up, and you were in love, then you got desperate and went there, called him, he saw it but didn’t pick up.

Wow, at that moment he must have felt like the hot top of the night lol 

And you?

Worse than before, because now, in addition to your little heart being sore and tight, you feel without a shred of dignity and with a huge regret for having called…

Worth it? Was it worth running back? And I say that with propriety because men just DON’T value that, put it in your head once and for all girl!

He’s the one who has to call you, he’s the one who has to come back regretting the things he’s done, especially when he realizes that you’re not a fool, much less a puppet in his hand to come back whenever he wants… 

Where is the woman full of herself, who until recently reaped the fruits of loving and valuing herself?

I know she’s there, but she’s sleeping at this point, when she lets her head dominate her with phrases like “If you don’t go after him, he’ll forget you, he’ll find someone else, he has many qualities,…”

Where are those beautiful thoughts you should have given from the very beginning of the first sentence…

Oh does he leave? Will he get another one? What the hell, I doubt that I’m going to humiliate myself and lose my value…

After all, a powerful woman knows that these idiots always find a way to come back… just look at yourself in the mirror… Do you really think he’s going to want to lose you?