8 Clear Signs He’s Not Serious About You

When it comes to relationships, it can sometimes be hard to read between the lines. At the start of a relationship, everything might seem perfect, but how do you know if he’s truly invested in the future or just enjoying the moment? While every relationship is unique, there are certain signs that can indicate he’s not serious about you. If you find yourself questioning where things stand, pay attention to these eight red flags.

1. He Avoids Discussing the Future

One of the clearest signs that someone isn’t serious about you is their avoidance of future talk. If every time you bring up anything long-term—whether it’s your plans for a vacation, moving in together, or even simple things like holiday plans—he quickly changes the subject, it might be a sign that he isn’t thinking about a future with you. A person who is serious about you will make efforts to include you in their plans, whether it’s in a few months or a few years down the line.

2. He Keeps Things Super Casual

Does he keep the relationship casual, only ever meeting up when it’s convenient for him? If your dates are last-minute plans or only involve quick meetups rather than meaningful experiences or thoughtful gestures, it could be a sign that he’s not invested. A person who truly cares about you will make time to spend quality moments together and will show more initiative in the relationship.

3. He Won’t Introduce You to Important People in His Life

If he’s not serious about you, chances are he’ll avoid introducing you to his friends, family, or colleagues. For most people, introducing their partner to the people they care about is a big step, signifying they are serious about the relationship. If he keeps you isolated from the important people in his life, it may indicate that he doesn’t view the relationship as long-term or significant.

4. He Only Contacts You When It’s Convenient for Him

Relationships require effort from both parties. If you find that he only contacts you when it’s convenient for him—whether it’s when he’s bored, lonely, or in need of something—then it’s a major red flag. A serious partner will reach out regularly, not just when they’re in the mood. If he’s always leaving you on read, rarely texts first, or only reaches out when he needs something from you, then it’s time to reassess the relationship.

5. He Doesn’t Put in the Effort to Get to Know You

In a healthy, serious relationship, both people want to understand and learn about each other’s personalities, hopes, dreams, and values. If he doesn’t ask meaningful questions about your life or seems disinterested in your goals and aspirations, it’s a sign that he may not be serious about you. A partner who is committed will take the time to understand who you are as a person and will show genuine interest in your well-being and happiness.

6. He Hasn’t Defined the Relationship (And Doesn’t Want to)

When a relationship is serious, there is usually some kind of conversation about exclusivity and commitment. If he avoids defining the relationship (often referred to as “the talk”) and sidesteps any attempt to talk about exclusivity or commitment, it may indicate that he’s not looking for anything serious. He might say things like, “Let’s just see where it goes,” or “I’m not ready for that,” but these are often signs that he’s not planning on committing anytime soon.

7. He Doesn’t Show Physical Affection or Intimacy

Physical affection and intimacy are important components of a committed relationship. If he avoids holding your hand in public, rarely kisses you, or never shows any signs of affection, this can be a sign of emotional distance. A man who is serious about you will show affection in both private and public settings. If he’s not engaging in these intimate behaviors, he might not be emotionally invested in the relationship.

8. He’s Hot and Cold

A person who is not serious about you will often send mixed signals. One day, he might be affectionate, warm, and interested, while the next day he’s distant, cold, and unavailable. This push-and-pull dynamic can leave you feeling confused and insecure. A serious partner will be consistent in their behavior and emotional availability. If you feel like you’re constantly riding an emotional rollercoaster, it’s a clear sign that he might not be as invested as you are.


Recognizing the signs that someone is not serious about you can be difficult, especially when emotions are involved. However, by paying attention to how he behaves and treats you, you can start to see whether the relationship is truly heading somewhere meaningful. If any of these signs resonate with you, it may be time to have an honest conversation with him about where things stand. Remember, you deserve a partner who is equally committed to building a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Don’t settle for someone who’s not ready to take that step with you.