If he is constantly afraid of being fired and losing his hair, his self-confidence is obviously very low.
All of these things can cause the need to cheat because he thinks it will help him feel desirable again.
3. He is narcissistic
Narcissistic men tend to deceive because they lack understanding and see women as objects.
They are most important to themselves and they think they have the right to do what they want.
They see women as objects. But they also always need to be reassured that they are good enough, and after getting it from their girlfriends, they look for it in other women.
Do not try to change this kind of man because it is impossible.
4. Lack of privacy and tenderness
It’s one thing if your boyfriend has always been a little cold, and it’s hard for him to praise you and show you his love.
But if it happened suddenly, it could be a sign of trouble.
S**x is one thing, but real intimacy is something completely different.
Even if you have a good s**x life, it is possible to be deceived because s**x is a physical act, while showing tenderness is more difficult.
He’s not as nice as he used to be, he’s avoiding kissing, and your privacy isn’t the same anymore – all of these are signs.
If this happens, talk to him and tell him that you need more attention.
If he still continues to pretend he hasn’t changed, be careful. There may be something going on.
5. He flirts with everyone
If he’s more charming than he should be and wants to impress all the girls he meets, he could be wrong.
A man can certainly be charming and loyal, but be careful.
6. He doesn’t respect his mother
A woman should carefully monitor her partner’s behavior towards her mother.
If he doesn’t respect her enough, he will certainly not respect his girlfriend or any other woman.
7. He believes he is powerful and successful
People who are successful are more likely to have adventures.
The easiest way for a man to stay faithful is by helping him build self-confidence. In this way, he will not become self-centered.
8. He suddenly started to criticize you
Suddenly, every little thing counts for him – the way you eat, how you dressed.
If he constantly criticizes you and tells you how to do something, he is probably trying to divert attention away from his bad behavior.
9. He keeps forgetting things
Did he forget your birthday, your favorite restaurant or a project you had done together? Or else, he forgets the promises he made to you.
If it turns out that this happens too often, you should consider it as a warning.
10. He does not answer your calls
If he’s hiding from you when someone calls him or doesn’t answer your call, there’s reason to worry.
Maybe he too often changes the password on his phone and “forgets” his cellphone in the car or at work.
Believe in your gut if he tells you that something is wrong because in general it is because he is right.