Because it is easier to live believing that the problems between you and your partner are only temporary.
Otherwise, the only thing left is to accept that you are in a false relationship.
To make things easier and open your eyes and accept the rest, here are the things he does that reveals that you are in a false relationship with no future, and that you are only prolonging the inevitable.
1. He doesn’t speak to you
Where there is no communication, there is no love.
Why? Because if your partner doesn’t talk to you, if they don’t share their thoughts and feelings with you, how are you supposed to know this person?
Keeping up with communication doesn’t mean you have to call or text every two seconds, but when you get home from work, it would be nice if you talked a little about your day or how you feel, just to keep yourself going. aware.
How else would you know what’s going on in your partner’s life?
Communication is the key to everything. If he doesn’t talk to you, you won’t know what’s bothering him.
And burying your feelings inside can only cause long-term problems.
2. When he goes out, you don’t know where he’s going
It is a bit mysterious about where he is going and when he will return.
No need to know all the details, but it would be nice when he comes out to tell you where and who he’s going with, right?
It is not that you have trust issues, but if it does this all the time, you will develop trust issues.
And once you’ve stopped trusting her, there’s no reason to stay in this relationship.
The very fact that he doesn’t want to tell you where he’s going is very suspicious, and that can only show you that he doesn’t take your relationship seriously and probably doesn’t plan to linger there very long. .
You are just a back-up plan until it gets better.
This is definitely a false relationship.
3. He won’t let you go in public
You might think this is a good thing, but like everything else, too much of something can be very suspicious and dangerous.
If he’s in public all the time and you’re playing his game, then you have a problem.
He is probably trying to prove to others that he is happy and by doing the same, you are only helping him.
When you get home, it will become the same cold shade it was before.
It’s anything but a real relationship.
You don’t have to prove your love to anyone. If he needs to do it excessively, then you are definitely in a false relationship.
There are many reasons to maintain a false relationship, but whatever they are, do yourself a favor and leave immediately before you are seriously injured.
4. You always start the conversation
He will only speak to you when he needs you. This means that he is aware of what he is doing and the type of relationship he is in.
That means this kind of scenario is working for him right now.
Don’t let him use you and break up when he’s done. You’ve tried enough to make the effort and started enough conversations that were all one way.
You took the words out of her mouth and it never ended well.
This man just doesn’t want to open up to you. Maybe you are not interesting enough for him, or he just has different plans.
Either way, you are the victim here and you must definitely leave this false relationship.
5. The only thing you share is s*xual passion
Don’t get me wrong, s**x is great and it’s great that there is this kind of chemistry between you.
But there is something that you should not ignore so easily. S**x is great, but it’s not the most important thing in a relationship.
If there is only s**x left, it is because you are in a false relationship. You cannot communicate out of passion.
For a real relationship, it takes much more.
At the start of a relationship, s**x plays a big role in your life.
You just get to know and explore yourself, but after a while things get bigger and more serious.
If they don’t, this relationship is doomed.
6. You don’t share great moments together
Your relationship is actually boring. You are stuck in a rut where you do the same thing over and over again.
You are stuck in a routine that is anything but fun or creative. Relationships must be fun and turbulent.
You have to live a lot together. You should be able to remember all the crazy, silly, romantic or sad moments you have had together.
You have to have it to be able to remember it.
If this is missing in your relationship, it means that the relationship you are in is not true.
It was a test that was worth it for a while, but failed.
7. His ego is too big
Relationships are a matter of compromise, and if a person must always be right, there is something wrong with this image.
If he insists that things be done his way all the time, then it means that your relationship is without love.
When you love someone, you show them by letting go from time to time.
Even if you think you’re one hundred percent right, you’re going to listen to your partner.
He never does that. He believes he is right and even if you are right and not him, he will not admit it. His ego is too big to accept his error.
It is not a relationship. It’s can.