1. You shouldn’t date someone who makes you uncomfortable. Someone you have to walk on eggshells with so you don’t have to argue.
2. You shouldn’t date someone who makes you feel guilty about your emotions. Someone who asks if you’re on your period every time you express your feelings. Someone who finds a way to turn every situation around to pose as the victim.
3. You shouldn’t go out with someone who treats you like a punch bag after a stressful day at work. Someone who gets violent when they don’t get what they want.
4. You shouldn’t date someone who has shown you that you don’t mean anything. Someone who is content with a one-sided relationship. Someone who lets you do all the work without lending a helping hand. Someone who takes without ever giving anything back.
5. You shouldn’t date someone who is vague. Someone who hides their phone when they see you. Someone who never gives you a clear answer when you ask a question.
6. You shouldn’t date someone who makes you love yourself less. Someone who makes you feel stupid. Someone who makes you feel unworthy of their affection.
7. You shouldn’t go out with someone who cares only about themselves. Someone who thinks he’s always right. Someone who refuses to apologize to you. Someone who finds it difficult to take responsibility for their actions.
8. You shouldn’t date someone who expects you to choose them above all else. Someone who expects you to cancel plans with friends to see it. Someone who expects you to leave your job to spend more time with them.
9. You shouldn’t go out with someone who gives you orders. Someone who tells you what clothes you should wear and what friends you shouldn’t see. Someone you need to ask permission before you go out.
10. You shouldn’t date someone who has no conscience. Someone who ignores your posts without feeling bad about it. Someone who lies face to face with you without feeling guilty. Someone who hurts you without losing sleep.
11. You shouldn’t date someone who refuses to send the first message. Someone waiting for you to plan every date and lead every conversation. Someone who acts lazy knowing that you will take over.
12. You shouldn’t date someone who chooses when to treat you well. Someone who will be cute for weeks and then ignore you for weeks. Someone who changes music every week.