What your partner wants you to do without having to ask you

She wants you to touch her mindlessly while watching a movie, she doesn’t want the movie to be clearly just a pretext for doing something else. She wants you to lightly brush her arm, her hair, her hand.

She wants to know that you want to touch her out of habit, like a reflex. 

Touching should become second nature, not always a means to an end.

She wants to be surprised, but not with something grand you’ve seen in a movie.

She doesn’t need to have a hundred heart-shaped candles lit or a cheesy word, and she doesn’t need a serenade.

She needs something romantic for both of you, but by your own definition. Surprise her with a breakfast in bed on a Saturday morning after her hard week at work.

Pick a movie she loves more than anything, even if she’s seen it a dozen times, and throw her a movie night just for her. Let her know you notice the little details.

She wants you to tell her that you love her, at weird, random times when no one would expect it.

She wants your words to sound like a kiss on her forehead in the dark, something she can barely feel but absolutely wants to feel close to her.

She wants your love to be fluid and effortless, not built around “big moments” that you feel you have to mark.

Of course, there can be special events, but there is something much more wonderful about hearing a quiet “I love you” when she has a mask and a bathrobe on, when it’s the last thing she does. waits.

She wants you to like her when you are in front of your friends.

She wants you to kiss her on the cheek, to joke around with her, like in private. She never wants to feel like the girlfriend who needs to be dragged, like she’s keeping you from having fun.

She hears how other people can talk about their girlfriends when they’re not around, like their relationship is an obligation. She knows it might seem necessary, but she wants to know that you’re never like that with her.

She wants you to write her words, letters, to be surprised that you remember something she hasn’t heard, to hear the words “I’ve already taken care of it”.

Nothing is more wonderful than knowing that someone else has already thought about it, that they thought about you enough to commit to writing it or making some real plans. She doesn’t want you to only remember her when it’s late and you don’t want to sleep alone.

She doesn’t want you to pretend you’re watching a movie, just so she can spend a few hours in her arms.

She wants to be the one you plan for the future with, the one you take a few extra minutes for to make things special.

She doesn’t want your money or things you can buy for her, she wants your time. She wants your attention.

She wants your patience, in a world where everyone goes too fast.