With these 9 signs you will realize that a man likes you

The attitudes of a man when he likes a woman are noticeable, but you have to be vigilant. A man is very simple, that is, the signs that a man likes you are in his dealings. Love is a universal feeling that translates into attitudes.

Each person experiences and manifests love differently. But no matter how it is, it is always directed towards the same goal. That man wants to spend time with you, make you laugh, meet you, and build something together.

Let’s see the things a man does when he’s in love with you.

1.- Things a guy does when he likes you: Make eye contact

It can be an acquaintance, a friend, or someone unknown. If he likes you, he will try to look you in the eye. But if he sees you on social networks, the first contact will be a “like”, a comment or he will send you a message.

Eye contact is one of the signs that a man likes you. If he is an extrovert, he will ask you for your Instagram to see your photos. Maybe I will also ask for your WhatsApp to try to make people laugh with memes.

2.- Attitudes of a man in love: He is especially kind

One way that men show they like you is by treating you with a lot of flirtation and kindness. He asks you out, says nice things to you, makes you feel good.

When a man is especially interested in a woman he uses words like: Please, you are beautiful, how is your day, I can help you with something, good morning, good night, etc.

3.- What does a man do when he likes you: Start taking care of his appearance

When a man meets a woman who inspires love, his greatest desire is for her to see him. You want to make a good first impression and begin to improve your personal care.

According to the girl he likes, he can change clothes, go to the gym, improve his language, etc. As it is a process that lasts time, a woman can notice these changes.

4.- When you attract a man how he behaves: He wants to be close to you

When a boy wants to be very close to you, it is another of the signs that a man likes you. This closeness can be physical or virtual. He will always have any excuse to call you or send you a message.

When a man is attracted to a woman he becomes creative to find opportunities to pass by your side. His whole world revolves around you and finds moments with you.

5.- A shy boy in front of the girl he likes becomes more shy

Another way to tell when a man likes you is by observing his change in character. If he is extroverted he becomes more extroverted and if he is shy he becomes more shy.

It’s all about the effect of being close to what they like. A shy boy’s nerves will play against him and he will not know what to do. He will remain silent, avoid the crossing of glances, etc.

6.- The body language of a man tells you how much you interest him and why

Body language is one of the main signs that a man likes you. The way he stands, his look, mood, etc., tell you how much he likes you or if he does not like you.

For example, the look of a woman when she likes you is more expressive. He will smile every time he sees you. Their posture will be more upright, they will imitate you, they will fix their clothes or hair, etc.

7.- A man who is interested in a woman begins to find out everything about her

If there’s a guy befriending your friends and finding out about you, he might be interested in you. His curiosity to know more about you does not leave him calm. If he can’t ask you, he will ask your friends.

All this curiosity will happen in a very subtle way that if you are not very observant you will not realize it. When he has enough information about you, he will either disappear or look for you determined.

8.- What a man does when he likes you: He gives you kind and appropriate compliments

When a man really likes you all he does is be a gentleman. He doesn’t just love you for a little while. He doesn’t harass you, he doesn’t say macho phrases. He tells you things to win your heart.

Frequent and constant compliments are another sign that a man likes you. All he wants is to earn your trust by being nice and making you laugh.

9.- If a man is really interested in you, he will interact on social networks

Nothing good is achieved overnight. Therefore, if that boy considers you well, values ​​and respects you, he will take his time to conquer you. Above all, it will be constant trying not to bother you.

Suddenly your posts on social media change. It becomes more romantic, gives you “likes”, greets you and wishes you a good day. It will resort to one and the other indirect and will look for you on various social networks.

In short … the things that a man does when he is in love with you are always focused on you.

With these 9 signs, you will realize that a man likes you

1.- Things a boy does when he likes you: Establishes eye contact
2.- Attitudes of a man in love: He is especially kind
3.- What does a man do when he likes you: He begins to take care of his appearance
4.- When you attract him How does a man behave: He wants to be close to you
5.- A shy boy in front of the girl he likes becomes more shy
6.- A man’s body language tells you how much you interest him and why
7.- A A man who is interested in a woman begins to find out everything about her
8.- What does a man do when he likes you: He gives you kind and appropriate compliments
9.- If a man is really interested in you, he will interact on social networks