The 7 things you should not allow a man during a relationship

There are millions of actions that women tolerate from their partners for fear of what they will say. But there are things you should not allow from a man. Do not think that you will be alone. Work on building healthy relationships. Do not forget about your dignity and lead a happy life.

There are several things that you should not allow your partner. The desire to maintain a partner accepting any kind of abuse is a mistake. Not only is physical and emotional integrity compromised, but self-esteem is destroyed. This can lead to social isolation.

Knowing how to value yourself as a woman is essential in the consolidation of a healthy relationship. If you don’t love yourself, it’s difficult for anyone to love you. Allowing a man to please you verbally or physically is not an option.

Let’s see what you should never allow in a healthy and happy relationship.

1.- Do not allow everything that occurs to a man in a relationship

It is not healthy to be chained to something that hurts or destroys. This is why there are certain things in a relationship that must be tolerated. After all, living as a couple should be a reason for happiness. Be clear about the things you should not allow in a relationship.

The fear of loneliness or failure leads many women to make this mistake. They pay a high price, compromising even their dignity. Always pay attention to the things you should not allow from a man.

2.- Never allow men to generalize to the female gender or as a joke

Any sentence that begins with the phrase “All women are …” is a mistake. Remember, you are unique and incomparable. These kinds of misogynistic concepts will only be harmful to the relationship, and they affect you. No, don’t allow these things.

Putting yourself in the same bag as the others detracts from your value. Understand that gender stereotypes or generalization are not allowed. Have your autonomy and personality respected, otherwise you will live as someone else’s shadow.

3.- Things that you should not allow your boyfriend: No shouting and insults


It does not take a blow to attack, words can cause equal pain. Although it is not a justifiable attitude, the shouting and insults can happen on equal terms. But during an argument, you should never reach this point.

What you should not allow a man is verbal and physical abuse. Justifying him for his temper, or accepting his apologies after every scene of this kind cannot be tolerated. Indeed, erring is human, but it is one of the things you should not allow a man.

4.- Never let it threaten and hit you, as it affects your health and integrity


This is what you should not allow in a relationship. Any threat, no matter how innocent it may seem, is a sign that he believes he has power over you. This is indicative of the lack of trust on your part. Feel the need to want to control everything you do.

This harmful behavior usually ends in another worse scenario: that of the blows. We know that leaving an abusive relationship is not easy. Fear, love or habit are not justifications for submitting to abuse, nothing is.

5.- Don’t let him choose who may or may not be part of your friendships


It is normal that prior to establishing a relationship, you have a circle of friends. But to entertain, they try to share in the other’s space. Still, don’t let your partner force you to change your social circle.

The attempt to control your environment is clear evidence of manipulation. And it’s one of the things you shouldn’t allow from a man. He will be trying to isolate you into his own environment so that he is in control of the situation.

6.- Stay alert whenever he tries to keep the relationship a secret


We know that a relationship only involves two people. But there are always introductions between friends and family. This can come to be seen as pressure or compromise. If you only plan on hidden dates or only seeing each other at home you should, raise the alert.

Far from trying to create paranoia, these are signs that something is happening. It is convenient to evaluate the possibility that he does not want something serious or hides another relationship. For everything to work, both must be on the same page.

7.- A romantic moment should not be due to obligation or commitment


Sometimes you don’t want to be so loving to your man and he should respect you. He must understand that you are not obligated and that the first thing is your peace. This will be decisive to lead a full love life. Some men consider that the woman is there to meet.

It is your decision what you do with your life and your body. The love satisfaction must be from both parties, you are not there just to please. Fantasies can be fulfilled, but without affecting the integrity of the other. Make your list of what you should never allow in a relationship.

In short … what you should never allow in a healthy and happy relationship is to do something that hurts you.

The 7 things you should not allow from a man during a relationship

1.- Do not allow everything that occurs to a man in a relationship
2.- Never allow him to generalize to the female gender or as a joke
3.- Things that you should not allow your boyfriend: No shouting and insults
4 .- Never let him threaten and hit you, as it affects your health and integrity
5.- Do not let him choose who may or may not be part of your friends
6.- Stay alert whenever he tries to have the relationship secret
7.- One moment romantic should not be out of obligation or commitment